( quartz! )
Soulmates were odd.
No one knew when they would find theirs, not until the day came. Then it was as if a switch turned on, and you just knew: today was the day.
It was odd, really.
You had expected a warm, tingly, encompassing feeling of love. A burst of joy, maybe. A serene wave of relief, perhaps.
Anything would have been better than having all the nerves in your body bundle up in apprehension.
Instead of feeling like you would meet your soulmate, you felt like you were going to give a hastily prepared speech to a large crowd - naked.
It really, really, was the oddest experience... Surely meeting ones soulmate would feel good?
"How'd you know?" you had asked your friend one day over a hot coffee, curious to finally gain some insight on the whole soulmate thing.
She had let out a dry laugh, took a sip of her coffee and frowned. "It was weird. You just know. You wake up, and you have this horrible pit in your stomach... And you know it's because it's the day."
You had nodded, trying to understand it all, but just couldn't wrap your head around it.
She had shifted in her seat, set her cup down, and looked you in the eye. "Trust me, you'll know when it's time, and you'll know when you see them."
And she was right. Your morning had started like any other morning, except you were beyond nervous without cause, and then it settled over you like a heavy blanket: it was time.
You carried out your morning duties like always, mind buzzing with a million scenarios, and rushed out of the house. Being inside was nearly suffocating, and you needed some fresh air. Maybe a walk, or a quick jog would do you well, you had thought.
Parked nearby was a yellow taxi, just like any other in the city. Except this one was awfully banged up, and you could only imagine what kind of driver was behind the wheel to cause so many dents to car. Yet, that didn't stop you from walking up to it and knocking on the window, suddenly feeling like you needed to be anywhere but near your small, cozy apartment.
The driver jumped, glanced at you with a wide, hazel eyes and let out a sigh of relief. After hastily folding up the newspaper he was reading and setting it down onto the passenger seat, he opened the window. "Hello, ma'am. Where can I take you?"
You gave him directions to a café a few blocks away, hoping that the warm environment and delectable drinks would soothe your soul.
The engine had hummed to life when the driver smacked his head in frustration and quickly swiveled around in his seat to face you. "I'm so sorry, but I forgot that I have to wait for my friend to get back. He won't be long, would you mind?"
You gave him a soft smile and shook your head gently. "That's fine. I'm Y/N, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Dopinder."
The two of you settled into a comfortable, polite conversation until he frowned and asked, "Are you feeling well? You look -"
"Nervous? Scared? Uh, yeah I know." You looked down, fiddling with your hands in your lap, debating whether or not you should tell him the reason why. "Today is the day I meet my soulmate."
Dopinder's eyes widened and a huge smile graced his face. "Wow, that's amazing!"
You bit your lips. "It is, but it doesn't feel like."

SOKOVIA ✦ marvel oneshots
Fanfic❝there was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people, so when we needed them, they could fight the battles we never could.❞ ▂▂▂▂ ( marvel oneshots ) a pletho...