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( quartz! )

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( quartz! )


"What are you doing after work?" Tony asked with a nervous look in his eyes. "You should cancel any plans - if you can."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you feeling okay? You seem on edge."

He paced back and forth, not realizing you were intently watching his reflection in the mirror as you did your makeup. "I'm fine. Really. So, are you free?"

"I'm free. Got anything in mind?" you asked as you applied your lipstick.

"I have something in mind." He stopped pacing and furrowed his eyebrows as if in deep thought.

You turned and faced him, wrapping your hands around his neck as you did so. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be lovely." You leaned in and kissed him softly.

His hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. He seemed more relaxed now, too preoccupied with you in his arms to deal with whatever was bothering him. A cheeky smile graced his face. "What time do you have to be at work again?"


You arrived at work, half an hour late. As you walked passed your friend Daphne's office, she gave you a questioning look as she typed out some important documents, too flooded with work to risk breaking her train of thought. You smiled sheepishly at her and she understood, gave you a wink and chuckled.

Like her, you dove right into work, only stopping when your secetary entered. "There's a delivery for you," Alex said, a huge grin on his face.

"Bring it in, please."

"I would but I can't... I don't think all of it would fit in your office," he said. "I must say, Mr. Stark has really outdone himself this time."

You got up and followed Alex out, stopping as soon as you saw his desk and the floor around it filled with beautiful arrangements of vibrant flowers. The biggest arrangement, however, was all your favorite flowers arranged artfully.

Alex handed you the letter accomponied with the flowers:

Amongst dozens of gorgeous flowers, you still remain the most beautiful.
See you later.
--- Love, You Know Who I Am

You grinned and clutched the letter to your chest. Leave it to Tony to sign off like that. You wondered what this was all about. You had noticed the past few days he was very nervous. Did he do something and was trying to break the news nicely? Your grin slowly recceeded. If he built another killer robot, no amount of gifts can make up for it.

Daphne appeared, a grateful relieve from your thoughts, stumbling through the flowers, awestruck. "Did you two have a fight? No, wait, an anniversary? Can't be though... And I know it's not your birthday." She lifted a bouquet of white tulips. "Can I take these home?"

You nodded. "He's been a bit... unusual lately. I'm not really sure what's going on."

Tony loved to spoil you, but the flowers paired with his recent behaviour seemed off.

Daphne stopped gushing over the flowers. "You don't think...?"

Even though her question hung in the air, unfinished, you knew what she meant. Tony's reputation as a playboy still lingered around him, as did the many ways he broke off relationships.

"No, no, ignore me. It's probably something else," she said quickly, not wanting to ruin your good mood. "Maybe - maybe he and Captain America have to go save the world for a while and this is his way of saying bye - for now, of course."

"Maybe." You knew that there were no upcoming missions and that Steve and Bucky planned to spend the next week sightseeing, but seeing how Daphne was already so worried, you decided not to tell her that. "It's probably that."

The brunette looked relieved, but worry remained in her hazel eyes.

Alex glared down an arrangement of roses on his desk before replacing it with daisies. "Whatever it is, Miss Y/S/N, it's something big." He stared adoringly at the daisies.

Before he could ask anything, you said, "Yes, Alex, you can keep the daisies. In fact, you and Daphne can choose whichever flowers you like - just not my favorite ones."


When you got home, your apartment was decorated with candles and various flower petals. On your bed lay a gorgeous black dress with another note from Tony asking you to wear it.

You followed further instructions on the note, getting into the sleek limousine waiting for you outside and making your way to an opulent restaurant overlooking the whole of New York.

Tony met you there, clad in a black tux. He held a velvet box in his hand - a pair of earrings as you would later find out.

The two of you dined together, enjoying each other's company. But, you noticed, he wasn't his usual self - not fully. He tried to hide it, but you could tell he was nervous. After a few drinks, he seemed to relax. The night was fun, charming and you loved every moment of it.


You awoke in your apartment the next morning, the smell of pancakes wafting in the air. Tony was no longer beside you in bed. A bit shocked that he was attempting to make breakfast instead of ordering in, you slipped on one of his shirts and wandered to the kitchen. As you leaned against the wall, you admired the sight of your boyfriend making you breakfast.

"Someone's up early," you commented.

He looked up and grinned. "Good morning, beautiful." He placed a quick kiss on your forehead and returned to the pancakes, clumsily trying to flip them. "I was thinking, maybe June?"


"Yeah. But that would be too soon. But I can't wait. I can hire a planner, that way June would be fine - not too rushed," he rambled. "Or maybe july? Wait. What about Christmas? Before or after? It would be snowing."

"Babe, slow down. What are you talking about?" You asked, confused.

"Wedding dates, of course."

You froze. "Tony, we're not even engaged."

He paused, and then turned slowly to you. "I knew I forgot something last night!" He put the pancakes aside. "Wait right here. Don't move. God, I'm such an idiot."

You watched as he scurried off to your bedroom, returning with another velvet box. This time, you knew it wouldn't be earrings, and it was confirmed when he got down on one knee.

"I was supposed to do this last night, but my nerves got the better of me and I had one too many drinks trying to calm myself, it just left my mind and I assumed," he paused to breathe. "Y/N Y/S/N, you are the best thing to ever happen to me, and I would have liked to do this in a more special way because you deserve the best. I love you so, so, so very much. Y/N, will you marry me?"

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