let you go

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( obsidian! )

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( obsidian! )

Requested by jokerhiddles

[ Song rec: let you know - shekhinah ]


TONY STARK WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND, AND THE MAN YOU WERE HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH. You didn't know when your feelings for him started to change during the many years of knowing him, but you suspected the slow change started on the day you first met him.

You were enthralled in the painting in front of you admiring the fact that despite the bleak and scarred background littered with remnants of a dead war, the entewined couple remained together through it all.

You didn't know how long you had been standing there, fully immersed in the painting, until a man spoke up. "Huh. A bit over the top."

Dressed in a grey suit, the man eyed the painting a bit longer and then turned to you, waiting for your reply. "You don't like it?" you asked.

He smirked, brown eyes sparkling in the light. "Oh, I love it." He gestured towards the couples passionate embrace. "But everything else? Not so much."

You shrugged. "Sure, it's a bit sharp on the eyes, but there's something about it..." you trailed off, trying to find the words.

"It speaks to your inner hopeless romantic?" he asked and raised an eyebrow at you. "I suppose one day you want something like this? An all consuming perfect love, too caught up in each other to notice the world going to hell?"

"No. Love is not perfect and that's okay. If you look closer, there are subtle hints in the painting that show they survived something horrible." You pointed to the many hints scattered in the background. "And in the end, they're still together."

He eyed you curiously. "So what kind of love do you want?"

You blushed, slightly taken back. "Well, a love where together, you're prepared to take on hell," you nodded to the painting, "and still be together once it's over."

The man opened his mouth to speak but closed it when his phone beeped. He frowned, seeming almost reluctant as he spoke, "I must be off. It has been a pleasure, you were the highlight of my night, not these overly priced paintings."

It wasn't until he was out the door that you realized you had never asked his name. But it didn't matter, for it wasn't long until you realized who he was. And it wasn't much longer after that when your paths crossed again.

You didn't expect him to remember you when you saw him again, bickering with your boss. As soon as he saw you, his eyes lit up and he smiled. "Art lady!"

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