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( obsidian! )

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( obsidian! )


Liar. Murderer. Monster.

Natasha was called many names. She liked to believe that she was wearing a mask to portray such pictures. Compelling, and deceitful. Yet, beneath the surface, to her very core, Natasha knew the truth. The mask only hid her worst parts. She was all the horrid names and more.

Eventually, she had become entangled too deep in her own web. Lies became truths, her masks shattered, and she was left vulnerable.

Until you came along, unknowing and so trusting. You ripped at the webs and pulled her free. You made her feel like she was more, and you showed her that she was.

So Natasha killed her past. Buried it in a shallow grave and walked away. You were her future, there was no need to look back. The Black Widow used her lies for good, became a monster to protect the innocent, and killed the cruel only if need be.

Everything was perfect. With you at her side, she felt unstoppable. She felt safe. She felt loved.

Spiders are hard to kill. So it was only a moment of time until someone came knocking on her door, a sister she had thought to be dead, a woman more deadly than her. A sweet, practiced smile, a few words murmured, and the woman had proposed something Natasha could not turn down.

Natasha kept the file hidden in your shared apartment. Names, secrets, weaknesses. It was too enticing to throw away. She couldn't help it. Her past haunted her, and she carried the guilt of it. It was responsible for creating her. For that, Natasha could never truly be free of it.

You were never meant to find the file, or the one's Natasha had written herself. It was sheer luck. You wished you had never opened it. But you did.

"Natasha, what is this?" your voice was so fragile, like fractured glass, threatening to shatter at any moment. You knew the answer, but you hoped it was a lie. "Everyone in this file... Clint, Steve, even me?"

Her beloved Y/N. You were never supposed to become wrapped up in her world. Old habits died hard, there was only so much she could have done to keep you away from it.

"I know how it looks, but please trust me," Natasha begged. Her eyes bore into your own, pleading with you. "It was just precautions. I was never going to use the information, unless I really needed to."

At her words, the tears finally broke through. A horrible mix of emotions flooded your system; anger, sadness, betrayal. She really saw you, the one she proclaimed her love to, as a threat?

"I can't be with someone who's planning to stab me and the one's I love in the back as soon as she gets a chance," you spat, jaw clenched forcefully. You collected up the files and snatched up a lighter, setting the papers ablaze before she could protest. "We're done. Get out. I never want to see you again."

"Daragaya, please. Don't do this."

"I trusted you, and you broke my heart." The anger that came in a flash was subsidizing. The sudden ache in your chest was unbearable. "You promised you would never."

Natasha opened her mouth to say something, anything that would make things right and have you back in her arms. But the damage was done. You shook your head and walked into the spare bedroom, and locked the door behind you. Your strained voice demanded she collect her few things and leave.

So Natasha did that. Painfully slow, hoping that maybe you would have a change of heart and come out of the room. None of that happened.

What a shame it was, the years that followed. The spider had bit itself, and spent its days alone, suffering in its own poison.

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