the ultron games

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obsidian + citrine

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obsidian + citrine

A/N: I used the BrantSteele Hunger Games simulator for this, so all the fights etc are from that. I decided to make this oneshot because I made one for my chat book, but for this I'm using another simulation, and oh my god. This is so much darker than the chat. I now know what George R. R Martin feels like. I tried to not make it too dark, but if you're not okay with your faves dying, I do not suggest reading.

. . .

You awoke to find yourself confined in a small tube surrounded in darkness. You strained hard, trying to figure out how you got there, but you had no recollection of previous events.

The ground beneath you started to ascend. You steadied yourself, unprepared for the sudden movement. Bright light assaulted your eyes as you were raised out of the claustrophobic space into a large field. You looked around, and noticed your friends in a large circle standing on a metal platform.

You narrowed your eyes as you spotted Loki on one of the platforms, mildly surprised he was there too. He shrugged at your gaze, just as oblivious as to what was happening as you. Your gazed moved away from Loki to a silver coned shaped building in the middle of the field and you froze. A Cornucopia. You had seen the movie, and read the books, but yet you still didn't want to believe it.

An image flickered across the sky and a voice rang out, loud and mocking. Ultron. You glared at his smug, vibranium face as he stared everyone down, his image imposed on the dome.

"Have you watched the Hunger games?" he asked. "I have. And I was simply fascinated at the idea of pitting humans against each other and wiping themselves out for me. So, that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"You can't make us kill each other, Ultron! We won't do it," Tony screamed out.

Ultron laughed. "I know, which is why I added some precautions and threw in some incentive. You see, this is a simulation, designed and created by yours truly with some tweaks of my own. Whether you choose to murder your friends or not is not up to you. The only way back to reality is to become the victor or be killed. Resist killing your friends, and the urge to kill them will just grow stronger."

Everyone shared uneasy glances with each other.

"Why kill the Avengers when I can make them live with the memories of being slaughtered by the ones they love?" he said wickedly. "Or worse, make them live with nightmares of them butchering their friends."

"We will fight this, Ultron!" Wanda shouted.

"My dear, the more you fight it, the more your humanity slips away. It's better to embrace it," he paused and you realized his eyes were on Bruce. "In here, you have no gamma radiation, no godlike powers, nothing. But, maybe if I feel like, I will allow one of you to regain your abilities for a spectacular kill."

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