Mr Novak

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Castiel started his day just like any other. Nothing stood out. His alarm went off at 7.30 Am he got up, had a shower. Shaved his barely visible stubble and got dressed. Same outfit as always. Black slacks, white shirt, blue tie, beige trench coat. Don't change things that aren't broken. Surely that applies to outfits as well. Cas thought to himself. He spritzed his aftershave on. It was some expensive thing his sister had bought him after he won his first case he knew it cost about $254 dollars it was called Creed Aventis  apparently inspired by Oliver Creed's Hero Alexander the Great. Cas just liked because is smelt fresh and airy like fresh blackcurrants and lime. It reminded him of the summers he spent in Lawrence fishing with his family. He longed for the open space and lush green grass but instead he works in an office in his families law firm. Which happened to be right in the middle of Wichita. The most densely populated city in Kansas. Also the 48th largest city in all 50 states of America. Cas pondered if this existence would pale in comparison if he worked for a firm in New York City or Washington DC. He guessed it wassnt so bad. Giving himself a mental shake Cas got up grabbed his briefcase and keys. He extended a slender finger out to press the button for the elevator. Apparently Cas was in a pensive mood today because on the short ride from the penthouse apartment to the underground car park he once again found himself wondering. Wondering if he was a bad person for feeling so damn bored. Bored of the monotony that was his life. There were people with worse circumstances than his own. He was about to walk to his Lexus and drive it about 6 miles. His family threw money at things it was what they did. You reached a precipice in life when money meant nothing he found it was once your bank balance had reached five figures. His father's generation were the ones who knew what hardship had felt like. He almost wished he had been born into hardship, maybe he would have a better grasp on the real meaning of life. Maybe he wouldn't take his life for granted. However that thought became fleeting the second he pressed the ignition button on his car and it roared to life. He tore out of the parking lot making the car purr intensely. Castiel turned on the stereo as soon as he hit the road. His car filled with the raspy tenor of Ed Sheeran. He had heard of the artist on the radio and was very keen on his slower more melodic pieces. Cas felt that the artist alongside few others had a way with words that could make a person feel emotions through song. So he had a filled his iPod with the songs for the boring trip to work.
Cas eventually arrived at the firm, dead on time, he had no excuse to be late really he had a car that went from 0-60 mph in 8.6 seconds and only lived 6 miles from the office, so even in rush hour it took under ten minutes.  Cas didn't feel bad about driving his car that feeble distance because it had a hybrid engine so at the measly speed he drove in the distance it never once touched the petrol engine. 

Once Cas had walked inside the office building he approached his receptionist's desk. Anna was fluttering around dressed smartly. "Cassie!" She exclaimed. "Hi Anna," Cas replied in his dry tone. "Cas! I've got a case!" Anna's eyes were glowing. Cas smiled a genuine smile at his sister. Anna was a paralegal still,  Cas passed the bar before her even though she was two years older. Her and Gabriel were the only two still not to pass. Castiel had overtaken Anna and passed a whole two years early at the tender age of 27. Whereas Anna was 30 and due to sit the bar this year, she had been pestering her brothers for a small case for months now in preparation of becoming a lawyer. Cas had been practicing law now for 18 months he was only 28. He was Wichita's youngest lawyer.
"That's great news Anna!" Cas embraced her tightly. "Well it's thanks to you! Castiel the great!" He looked at her confused. "What do you mean? I asked Luci last week if you could have a case and he said no.." He let the last word fall from his mouth hoping Anna would fill in what he was so clearly missing. Which she did with haste. "Well! You know how he gave you that parking meter dispute last week cos you finished up early and it was the only other thing we had.. well yeah that's the case I have!" She was so happy with this small victory. "Okay Anna I understand that and I'm happy for you but I still don't quite understand how you got that?" He told her inquisitively. "Oops sorry Cassie, forgot to mention that." She giggled. "You have a new case! It's a big one! Luci wouldn't let me know who it was but he told me it was a special present for you! Said it was the biggest one yet!" She patted Cas on the back. "Which reminds me here's me blathering on about me and my shit, your wanted in Luci's room!" Cas' face hit the floor.

This was not good. Luci was lucifer he was the second oldest brother. There was only Adam, Lilith and Eve older than Lucifer. He was never overtly mean to Cas but he was always challenging him. He loved to see Cas squirm. You see Lucifer was happy to take in any client that could pay their fee's. He assigned all the well to do clients to the rest of the firm but, although no one ever mentioned it out loud, Lucifer was known to take on cases from gangs, mobs, and drug cartels. He walked on either side of the line between the life of law and that of crime. He had once told Cas he was fond of  criminals. He said they are the most exciting of people they live a life of hardened crime yet still find joy in their day job. Castiel disagreed he became a lawyer because it was what his family did. He didn't have a choice. The whole family knew what happened if you chose a job other than that of a lawyer. Their oldest sister Lilith was the only example needed. She was cast out of the Eden building one day. Apparently Adam, Luci, Eve and Lilith were the only ones who were studying under Father at the time, they were the only ones old enough, and Lilith had decided a life of practicing law wasn't for her so she told father as such. She told him that she wanted to go abroad and study dead languages. He apparently got furious and kicked her out. He cut her off and no longer regarded her as his child, he told her that no child of his would do anything other than his bidding. After that no one in the family dared to disobey their father. However Lucifer chose to work with criminals as his own rebellion against his father. Luci and Lilith were twins, they were inseparable from birth, even after their father passed away he took on the business but refused to stop working with criminals on principal.
Castiel held his father in the greatest of regard. Even if he only got to spend a few years with him. However loosing him so early on in his life and living under the rule of his jaded brother had lead Castiel to become fairly hardened. He cared not what people did so long as they were not liars. He found lying to be abhorrent. He refused to do it. Which in some cases was a vary hard thing to do. Especially in his line of work. That's  why he did not have an excellent relationship with his other brothers everyone believed he was arrogant. Only Gabriel and Anna really understood him.
It was not a normal day at the office for Castiel Novak.

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