Chapter 3

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        I sat in my last class of the day, algebra two tapping my pencil on the desk as Mrs Dubose talked about factoring. It was boring and we just had a couple more notes to write down before the bell rung at 3:05. I already knew how to do this stuff because I stay in her tutoring class during forth period. I always hated math because I wasn't that good but this year with all my studying and the tutoring, I've been on it. It was like I hated all the letters that got involved. What do we need math for anyways? That's why we got calculators. Plus I know how to count. But I will never understand why we need to find x. I don't want to find my x.

        This class was boring. I don't talk too anyone in here because all my friends are in the Lower classes. I'm a smart gal.

        But there was this one boy in here. His name is Claud. He is seventeen in the eleventh grade. He is brown skinned with a nappy fro like the way Wiz Khalifa wore his. He has brown eyes that's are to die for. He has a swagg like Bow Wow and Chris Brown. He was very smart in school but stupid outside of school. He makes the wrong decisions. I've had a crush on him since fifth grade but back then he would have never gave me a chance from the way I was looking. But now I find him flirting with me a little every now and then. He is one of them bad boy types. He is a Jock and he is not hubby material. I don't know why I'm attracted to the wrong guys. I guess it's the looks that matter to me.

        The bell was about to ring in less than a minute so I quickly jotted down the last little bit of notes that Mrs Dubose wanted us to get then I started packing up my stuff.

       "Miss Crosswire? Said Mrs Dubose interrupting me as I was putting my book in my backpack . "The bell hasn't rung yet and it doesn't release my class. I do."

        She sat silent for a second as if she was waiting for me to make a smart comment back but I fooled her. I just starred at her.

        "I would like to see you after class" she continued.

         I rolled my eyes and continued to pack up me things. I swear she says this to me every day. I just be so ready to leave that boring class. What do she need to see me after class for? I thought. I'm just ready to... My thoughts were interrupted by the loud ringing of the bell.

        "Have a nice weekend" yelled Mrs Dubose over the loud noise of zipping backpacks, books dropping, and loud talking.

        I stood up, threw my back pack on my back and my purse over my shoulder and started to walk toward Mrs Dubose desk. "You wanted to see me?"  I asked in an attitude.

        "Yes, miss Crosswire. I wanted to tell you that your one of my best student. It's a pleasure to teach you but your attitude is inappropriate. I understand that it's the last class of the day but I would like it if you didn't disrespect me by making noises by packing up your things before the bell rang. Is that clear miss Crosswire?" She asked.

        "Yeah." I said more to myself than to her.

        "Thank you. Now have a nice weekend"

        I didn't say anything back to her. I just walked out. I was getting tired of her getting mad because no one likes her whack ass class. It's not my fault that she boring.

        The halls were still full. People were running and stepping all over each other. I was lucky to get to my locker alive.  As soon as I opened my locker, Mane came running up to me with her two dance buddies from last night, Nia and Mary.

        Nia and Mary are two trouble makers. If you ask me, Mary is Nia's sidekick. Everything Nia did, Mary did it too. They are the biggest sluts in school. When you hang with them, nothing but trouble comes your way.

        I heard that one time Nia had slept with Mary's boyfriend, Jayden and got pregnant but had an abortion.  And when Mary found out, she keyed his car, burned up his favorite polo shirts, and broke up with him. Two days later they were back together again and he was slapping her around in the hallway. She wasn't friends with Nia for like two weeks but after that they were back together, being sluts, robbing people, and playing niggas for money. I call them the set up sisters.

        "Wussup, Mane what it do?"  I asked her while putting my books inside my locker.

        " it bounces, it shakes, and it causes earth quakes." She answered, referring to her butt.

        "Ayyyeeee," sung Nia and Mary in unison, bouncing up and down looking ghetto.

        "haha, you a trip girl. We still down for tonight?" I asked, closing my locker

        "Of course, is you down is the question. You hardly ever come out the house."

        "I know. I never leave my room"

        "well what you doing until eight o'clock?"

        "I don't know yet"

        "Well me and the girls might swing by Browns Café to chill for a while, then we might go shopping."

        "Ok cool. I might see what my mom has goin on then imma let you know." I already knew that I probably wouldn't even see my mom today but I had to make it seem like I had a responsible parent.

        "alright girl, well hit me up and let me know" said Mane, just before running off with the set up sisters.

        I don't even know why I'm hanging out with them. Me and Mane hadn't even been that close every since she started sometiming with me in ninth grade. We use to be like butter on toast, white on rice, or the black eye on the peas. It doesn't feel right getting back close with her again.

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