Chapter 1

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Axton is a well-known guy. He's friendly and nice and plays sports. So he's pretty popular. He has just about perfect looks, a scar from football bringing his ten down to a nine. He's the all around American boy. Except for math. He's a fucking idiot when it comes to math. However, I, Jacob L. Singer would be the one to fix that...hopefully.

       After classes, Axton has a practice which I didn't mind waiting on him for as long as he gave me a ride home. I could tell that Axton was in his element as soon as he got on the field. All his movements seem natural yet calculated at the same time. This is his sport. But I fucking hate watching sports. I don't understand most of it. I get that you have to run to score a goal and kick it, but after that my knowledge becomes non-existent. So, I took the opportunity to do my homework. Before I finished my homework Axton was done with practice. He threw a leg around the bench I'm sitting on so we face each other.

"I'm ready, teach," He said with a goofy smile on his face.

"Take a shower first," I responded holding my nose he laughed.

"I never use the shower at school so unless you wanna follow me home..." He waited for me to respond and to be honest, I don't really care where we study so long as we do it.

"I don't mind," I told him and he gave me a goofy smile in return.

We get to his car and he drives us to his house. When we pull into the driveway he explains to me that his mother should be home and that it's unusual she isn't. Apparently, she likes to wait 'til to she knows Axton's home before she leaves. I wait in the living room as he has his shower. I look around his home which is quite quaint but I can tell it's purposely styled that way. There are knick knacks all around. Mostly snow globes. I notice one in particular which baby Jesus was the center. I wrap my hand around it and quickly pull it away when something scratches me. Axton comes downstairs at that time. I tell him what happened then stick my bloody finger in my mouth to suck on it. Axton told me I wasn't supposed to just suck on it. He took my finger and point it in his mouth. He rolled his tongue around the wound. He deemed it okay after a minute and gave me a band-aid just in case.

We began working and he went from superstar on the field to a vulnerable child at the park. I admit I had some part in that. I am not a very good teacher, however, I am doing my best to help him learn the basics of statistics and it literally is pointless. After three times of wanting to give up, we were blessed with his mother walking through the door with a mountain load of groceries. Being the gentleman I am I helped her put them away while Axton did the brunt work of bringing them in. Mrs. O'Hara is a nice plump woman who kept constantly going on about how being my weight is unhealthy for my age. With this, she promised a hearty dinner for me to eat. Trying to explain to her I wasn't going to stay was a pain in itself as she kept making excuses.

Axton and I went back to studying as she started on dinner. It was obvious his attention wasn't on homework anymore as he kept asking weird questions or making weird statements.

"So...How old are you?" He asked

"Seventeen," I answered half-heartedly

"I'm getting tutored by a guy younger than me," Axton stated making me smirk

"If it makes you feel worse I'm a junior," I said and he put his head on the coffee table with a dramatic sigh.

"I'm home!" His father shouted as he walked through the door. He was obviously startled by our presence in the living room. He glances at me and a goofy smile was on his face. "A stranger."

"I'm Jacob...just Jacob," I said making him laugh

"Hello, Jacob just Jacob. I'm Leon, Axton's father," He introduced himself sticking out his hand.

I shook it and let out an involuntary whimper when he squeezed too hard. It isn't manly like at all and my dad hates it. The house stopped and kinda stared at me for a second. Leon brought me into his chest and cooed at hurting me. Axton made a comment of how I sounded like a puppy. To be honest, I didn't take offense to it though my leg did reach out and kick him in the side. With that, I was given an invitation to come over anytime I pleased. Just like Axton, his parents were warm and welcoming.

"Did you get the water filter for the fridge?" Axton's mother asked from the kitchen.

"I told you I'd get it this weekend," Leon responded letting me go.

"Oh that's right," Mrs. O'Hara quickly admitted making me agape. My mom would've blown up at that.

Soon after Mrs. O'Hara finished dinner and Axton and I finished our task to set the table. We sat down and began to eat. Unlike my family which likes to eat in silence, they were very chatty. They asked all types of questions about myself. Which honestly made me felt like part of the family.

"So Jacob what're you? Ya know...sexual orientation wise," Leon asked making me slightly choke at the unexpected question.

"Who knows," I answer, "I never thought about it."

"Well let me be the first to say that you and Axton would be darling together," Mrs. O'Hara or Bianca said.

"Mom," Axton whined out. "Would you believe I told them I was bisexual a week ago?"

"Yes," I responded

Axton rolled his eyes at my answer. After dinner, I waited for Axton to finish the dishes before he took me home. Bianca was practically selling her son to me. Luckily Axton finished pretty quick and he drove me home. When we pulled into my driveway I saw my older brother's car which is odd because he hates coming home. I got out waving to Axton as he left to which he responded three short beeps. Walking into the house there were screams and clattering. I chose to ignore it. However, to get to my room one must pass through the living room and as expected my brother was heatedly arguing with my parents. There was a new figure on the couch scared stiff messing with her dainty hands.

"Oh my god!" I gasp out causing the attention to fall on me and the room to silence. "Is she pregnant?"

"What? No," Brendan scoffed out

"So what's the issue?" I inquire glancing at her and then to Brendan.

"I want to marry her. But of course your fucking parents won't even allow me that," He snarled at them

"Watch your mouth, boy!" My dad snapped back as aggressive

"I don't even know why we're having this argument. At the end of the day, Jessica and I will get married. At this point it's about if you show to the wedding or not," Brendan said as a final say

He slung his arm over my shoulder and took Jessica and me to my room. I threw my bag in a corner and he began sifting through my room. A compulsive habit he has. To snoop through a room he hasn't been in before.

"Oh right! Jacob, Jessica. Jessica, my little brother Jacob," He introduced

"How do you do?" She said politely


"Close. New Zealand."

       "That's actually not close at all," I said making them laugh.

"So what's new?" Brendan asked flopping on my bed

"I'm tutoring this guy and he's okay I guess," I said beginning to take my clothes off.

I strip down to my boxers and put on some sweatpants. I didn't bother with a shirt because my room gets really hot at night. I sat down at my desk and began my homework while talking to Brendan and his fiancé. They seem to fit each other well. Which is nice. At around ten they left. I crawled into my bed and turned off my lamp. Reflecting on the day it wasn't so bad. In fact, it's the best day I had in awhile.

[Edited: 1429]

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