Chapter 4

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       Axton saw Jacob standing idle in the middle of the dance floor he muttered a quick curse to himself before making his way toward his friend. He maneuvered himself and Jacob to the host of the party.

       "Winston. I'm staying here tonight with Jacob. Can I have a room key?" Axton asked knowing the boy kept all the rooms locked during a party.

       Winston quickly agreed upon seeing Jacob's intoxicated state. Axton's challenge now was the stairs. Jacob was like a limp log he had to carry around. If that made sense. When they finally reached the room Axton carefully set him on the bed. He began taking off his shoes and shirt but hesitated just slightly when going to Jacob's pants. Jacob became impatient and began to whine about taking them off. Axton rolled his eyes. He unbuttoned them and slid them off the boy's body. Jacob let out a moan in relief of his constraints.

       "Lay with me," Jacob demanded

       Axton almost had a heart attack. He politely refused turning around to go back to the party.

       "But Axton!" Jacob whined. "I thought you liked me."

       "What you're thinking and what I'm thinking are two completely different things," Axton warned

        "Please Axton," Jacob whined again making Axton turn on his heel and lay down with his intoxicated friend.

       Jacob seemed pleased that Axton had followed his direction. Axton cute help but admire the cute little smile on Jacob's face. Jacob noticed and tried scooting closer. But he ended up too close. Axton was shocked his friend had kissed him. Is still kissing him. But it wasn't as if he didn't enjoy it. He brought their bodies together and began to deep the kiss. Jacob put a hand to Axton's chest and let out a moan.

       The next morning Jacob's head felt as if it were splitting. It hurt like hell. He unwrapped Axton's arm from his waist. He knew he wouldn't sleep in the same bed as anyone else. But something was odd this morning. He was naked and a quick look under the comforter helped prove that Axton was as well. Jacob gagged not at the thought but because he is severely hungover. Still sleeping with Axton made him worry. Why in god's name would they have had sex? He couldn't bear it anymore and quickly dressed. He left the house all together and started the twenty-minute walk home. Fresh air would do him some good.

       When he got home his mother was surprised to see him home so early. When he checked the time he was surprised to see it was eight o'clock. He took a shower and stayed holed up in his room. Occasionally he would remember something and flush terribly. He ignored all the calls and texts Axton sent him. As he thought about more and more he couldn't help but be upset at Axton. No matter what Jacob did there is no reason to take advantage of him in that state. He wasn't even drunk for fuck sake and still did what he did when Jacob wasn't in his right mind.

       Finally, on Sunday afternoon, Axton showed up at Jacob's house demanding to talk to him. Jacob couldn't refuse at that point. They drove to and place for lunch Axton opting to pay for his meal with no promise of repayment. When their food arrived they silently at for a little while before Axton began to speak.

       "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that. You can hate me-."

       "I don't hate you, Axton. I'm just...very disappointed."

       "I'm really sorry and I don't have any excuse. I should've waited until you were sober. It's all my fault. I'm sorry," Axton apologize profusely.

       "I just want you to know that we can never do that again Axton. I'm your tutor. That's all. If the lines at any point got blurry then I'm sorry. However, from now on I will make it a point to make sure where we stand."

       "Okay," Axton said in a dejected voice before going back to the meal.

       Jacob's promise didn't last all.

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