I'll be here for you

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Hannah's P.O.V
What the hell is going on. Now I hear someone sreaming in the ambulance Juanpa's in. And I hear this" IS LELE GONE." I just know its Juanpa. And I can tell his pretty scared and then there was no more screaming.
5 hours later in the hospital.
Juanpa's P.O.V
I just finished surgery on my nose. Then a woman comes in room 205 which is my room. It  wasn't a nurse to attend me. So I was laying down and sat up when she walks closer to me. "Hola Como te sientes Juanpa?"Said the woman ( hello Juanpa how are you feeling said the lady.) "Como sabes mi nombre senora y quien eres?" I told her. ( How do you know my name mam and who are you. I said) "Perdon soy la mama de Lele y biene ver si estabas bien." Lele's mom told me. (I'm sorry I'm Lele's mom and I wanted to see how are you doing. Lele's mom told me.) "Pues estoy bien y como esta Lele yo la quiero ver y tienere la en mis brazos." I told Lele's mom. (I'm good and how's Lele I want to see her and have her in my arms right now."I told Lele's mom smiling.) She smilies back and was about to cry and I said "Que Pasa senora?" (What happened mam?) "Lele esta en una coma Juanpa!" She said crying I felt like half of my heart broke when I heard those words. (Lele is in a coma Juanpa. Said Lele's mom crying)

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