Chapter 1

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Ellies P.O.V

Here I am at work again. Its a Saturday and I'm  working. Right about now I would be in my pyjamas about to watch a movie. I work in a bar incase your wondering, there is barley any one in here so I'm stood behind the bar on my phone. I look up from my phone and see a cute ass looking boy with the cutest brown eyes and curly hair Ive ever seen and he's staring right at me.

Brads P.O.V

Just as I'm staring at the girl  she looks up from her phone and looks straight at me she looks and looks away again from the awkwardness but shes so hard to take my eyes off. I already feel protective over her and i don't even know her name.

Ellies P.O.V

Just as I'm wondering weather to go over and ask if he needs anything or what his problem is, he's already on his way to me. I pretend I haven't noticed him and carry on pulling pints, I stop and put my hands on the counter and a warm hand touches mine gently placed on top. I look up and see its him the guy thats been staring at me all evening! His eyes look even more chocolatier close up. I pull my hand away and ask what he wants. "What do you want?"

Brads P.O.V

"What do you want?" She said  "You" I replied with a little smirk "no to drink" she seemed quite frustrated but I kinda liked that it kinda turned me on. "You" i repeated again. She looked at me strangely and moved on to the next costumer. "Whats your name?" I asked
"Ellie" she said

Hello, i decided to do this one a bit different, hope you like it and enjoy it if anyone actually reads them?!? I know this chapter is quite long sorry, but I'm going to make my chapters smaller. Thank you for reading this if anybody does❤❤

Daddy Bradley (brad Simpson) Where stories live. Discover now