Chapter 6

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Ellie's P.O.V

His towel dropped "oops" he said. He walked so quickly up to me it was like he almost ran. He pushed me onto the bed ripping off my blouse and pulling at my jeans, once I was left completely naked he turned round and pulled something out of the draw, in a silver packet. He opened it and put the condom on. "What are you doing?" I asked "what do you think" he said but he sounded different, more angry not like the person I thought I was going home with. He started kissing and biting at my neck but for some reason I was enjoying it. His warm breath hitting my neck making his way further down my body, kissing at my stomach. He pulled my thighs apart before pushing inside of me. A strong sting struck my body. "Ow fuck" I said "its alright baby girl" he said. Anger was still in his voice but It felt soothing. Suddenly the sting went away and it started to feel really good. He started thrusting and thrusting further and further into me. A small moan slipped out from my mouth. I looked at him and saw a small smirk from the corner of his mouth.

Brads P.O.V

I started to thrust further inside her when I heard a small moan slip from her mouth. Shes good i thought to myself. "Ive been waiting for this princess" I told her. Her body bounced up and down like a yoyo. "I think I'm gonna come" she said between breaths. "Hold on" I said.

Ellie's P.O.V

I was still a virgin by this point but I didn't tell him that, but for first time this was incredible. "Call me your daddy" he said moaning between words . "Im gonna fucking cum" his thrusts started to slow down. Then he pulled out of me and rested his wet sweaty head on my chest. He fell asleep so I gently moved him so I could sit up. I rushed round to try and find my clothes he ripped off my body. I didn't know weather to stay or go. He was good, it was good. But I don't want to be here, I never wanted to have sex with him, thats not what I planned. I got changed and quickly left his house.

Hello again, I hope you enjoyed this sorry if its a bit boring or yeah yanno but its my fist time writing a book like this so bare with me....  Thank you all ❤❤

Daddy Bradley (brad Simpson) Where stories live. Discover now