Chapter 9

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Bradley's P.O.V

"I.....I think I love you" Ellie said I looked at her confused. What she can't love me. I don't even know how I feel about her. At first I only wanted her for sex. What I'm so fucking confused.

Ellie's P.O.V

He looked at me weirdly. I quickly climbed out of bed grabbed my clothes got changed and ran out of his house. I feel so embarrassed why the fuck did I say that?

Bradley's P.O.V

I had no idea what the hell just happened. I quickly get on the phone and ring my best pal Con. No matter how embarrassing this whole situation was I need his help. I wanted her still like I said I still crave her but my emotions are confusing me. She just told me she loves me but do I love her?

Ellie's P.O.V

Im so fucking embarrassed with my self. I look at myself in the mirror and smell my hair, I can still smell his after shave faintly on my skin. I still feel numb from where he fucked me. My blonde hair was still  messy and damp from the sweat. I need to snap out of this he obviously doesn't love me back what am I playing at. He wanted me for sex and he got it. But I feel as if I've rewind everything, if I could of just kept my mouth shut at least I would still be with him right now. I want his arms wrapped round me, his soft pink lips pressing on mine. All Im looking at is the hickeys he's left all over my body.I fell for a boy who wants me for sex.

Bradley's P.O.V

I am missing her Im not going to lie. I miss her lips. No what the fuck. I can't be falling for the girl I choose for sex. Thats what I decided, my plan was not to fall for her. Ive fucked other girls before and not felt like this so why do I feel like Im starting to love her back? I need to talk to her.

Ellie's P.O.V

I hear my phone go and I go over to look at it.
Hey, I need to talk to you!
I look at the message but I automatically feel scared by this is he going to punish me again like the first time even though the second wasn't a punishment?
Ok come to mine in 10mins
Im in the bath but I don't want to get out. Im trying to wash him away as much as I can. The bathroom door opens "Bradley" I said shocked he didn't even take his clothes off he just jumped in and started kissing me. I started to rip off his shirt the same one he wore the night before he took his jeans off. Water was going everywhere but I didn't care. He threw his shoes out of the tub and pushed his way inside me. He kissed and bit at my neck and I ran my hands threw his wet curls. His moans began getting louder and louder. The warm bubbly water thrashed on both of our bodies. He ran his hand down my wet body and down to my clit and started rubbing at it. "Fuck fuck fuck" I said "I love you too princess" he said he looked in my eyes and kissed my lips. I started kissing his neck and he let out a few moans, maybe he doesn't just want me for sex anymore. "Baby" He said "theres something I need to talk to you about." He climbed out of the bath, got dried and put some dry clothes on. I did the same.

Bradley's P.O.V

I decided that now I knew how I felt about her It was time I told her the truth.

Daddy Bradley (brad Simpson) Where stories live. Discover now