Chapter 3

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Ellie's P.O.V

A few days had passed now and now Ive spoke to him the more I start to notice him. Why have I never noticed him before? I asked myself. Why does he want me to go home with him when we've only just met? We keep looking at each other and its getting awkward. Maybe I should go and talk to him??
So I waited until it was quiet and went and sat with him.

Brads P.O.V

I see her gaze at me every now and then, and those perfect piercing blue eyes make me want her even more. She makes her way over to me and sits opposite me. "Hey" I said "look I don't understand why do you want me to go home with you?" She said " Well a hello would of been nice!" I said winking at her. "Sorry, hi" I couldn't help but laugh. "Because I want you" I said in reply. I see a tiny smile strike the corner of her lip.

Ellie's P.O.V

"Because I want you" he said I couldn't help but smile. Why would someone as cute and as fit as Brad want someone like me?? "Please come home with me!" He said again. "Ok my shift finishes in 30mins, think you can wait till then?" I said giggling. He laughed and touched my hand. I got up from the table and walked back over to the bar.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know its a small chapter again, I do apologise. But thank you for reading even if its the most boring story! ❤❤👑

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