Chapter 8

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Ellie's P.O.V

"Hello daddy" I said he pulled me by the arm and into his house. He picked me up in one big scoop and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started kissing at my neck leaving marks I knew people  would  question about but right  now I couldn't care less. In such a short amount of time from seeing him sleeping this morning I missed him even though I didn't want to. He craved me and in a way I craved him to. But did he actually like me or was this whole thing just for sex? He pushed me on to the sofa. I felt his hands go up my top and going to my bra strap. He almost ripped my top while taking it of. I started to undo the buttons on his shirt. I couldn't undo the button on his jeans my whole body started to heat up and my face started to blush. He took my hands away and stood up leaving me half naked on the sofa. "Where are you going daddy?" I asked but he didn't reply he just walked out of the room.

Bradley's P.O.V

All I had to do was go and find the things I needed, I didn't want to keep her waiting long.

Ellie's P.O.V

He walked back into the room "Get on your knees" he stared at me until I did exactly what I was told he looked pissed off so I didn't want to make it worse. I climbed off the sofa and onto my knees. He walked over to me before pulling down his black skinny jeans and Calvin Klein boxers. He tied a piece of rope round my hands and pulling them behind my back. He  brought out what looked awfully  like a thick black cats collar and he put it round my neck. He put his hand at the back of my head and pulled it closer to his member. The tip touched my lips and without thinking it was in my mouth. He thrusted so hard into my mouth he was making me gag. I looked up at his eyes that were squeezed shut. Making it as pleasurable for him as possible. A few moans escaped form his mouth. He pulled out of my mouth and pushed me to the floor. He kissing my stomach and his hands made their way down to my pants. He gently slid them off and chucked them somewhere. He started licking and rubbing at my clit and then inserted a finger inside of me. It hurt at first but I really didn't care. It felt like I was in heaven. I was biting down on my lip to stop me from moaning but I didn't give a shit. "You like that princess?" He said smirking. "Fuck me daddy" he lifted up untied my hands and let me loose (I still had my cat collar on though) he put a condom on again and then pushed into me. Ive never felt anything like this before. Sweat was dripping from his forehead and his curls looked even cuter.

Bradley's P.O.V

I looked down at her and she was looking at me with those sexy blue eyes. She was so into it. The pleasure she was giving me was insane I feel like I could go on forever. She started arching her back. "I think Im gonna come" Ellie said "hold it princess" I didn't want to stop but I was close to. I pulled out of her and lay my sweaty head on her stomach.

Ellie's P.O.V

He pulled away and put his head on my stomach. "Thank you princess" he said panting. "Bradley" I said. He looked up at me with those puppy eyes. "Princess whats wrong?" He asked "I..... I think I love you!"

Hello again this chapter is so fucking long wow!! I hope you like the little cliff hanger at the end??
What will Daddy Bradley do??

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