Chapter 5

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Ellie's P.O.V

when we got to brads car her jumped in and I followed and sat in the passenger side. "You ready?" He asked smiling maybe going home with brad wasn't such a bad idea. "Yes" I replied. The whole way to his house neither of us said a word, I was now starting to get worried, I didn't know why though. We pulled round the corner and the car came to a gentle stop. "Here we are" he said. He got out the car and came straight round to my door and opened it for me. "Thank you" I said and I walked up to his door of his house.

Brads P.O.V

I went round to her side and opened the door so she could walk in the house before, me as I knew exactly what I was going to do. As she opened the front door I walked in quickly after her and pinned her straight up against the wall.

Ellie's P.O.V

As soon as I walked in the next thing I knew I was being pinned up against the wall, he looked straight into my eyes before roughly kissing me. He was pressing so hard against me I barley had room to breathe. I tried shoving him off me but he was too strong. Not long after I found myself kissing him back.

Brads P.O.V

I pinned her up against the wall and I couldn't help it anymore I started kissing pressing myself up on her. I felt her trying to push me off, but she finally gave in and I felt her kissing me back. I pulled her away and led her into my room.

Ellie's P.O.V

He broke away and rushed me into his room. What the hell just happened why didn't I try harder to push him away?? " Im going in the shower" he said "be ready in 5 for when I come out" he winked and walked off. Be ready what the fuck does he mean?!? I took my shoes off and just sat on his bed and waited.

Brads P.O.V

I now had to be exactly 5 minutes because I can't wait any longer. I need her and I'm excited for this and Im going to make sure she is as well.

Ellie's P.O.V

The shower stopped and the bathroom door unlocked. He walked out wearing just a towel. His body is even better than I have ever imagined and his hair wet is super cute. "Why aren't you ready?" He growled at me. "Pardon" I asked "I told you to be ready when I got out. Why aren't you?" He shouted. The voice I thought was so nice and super soft had now turned angry and rough. He walked closer to me and stood staring at me. "You've been a naughty girl" he said and his towel dropped "oops" he said.

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