Shake It Off

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*you hear the song Shake It Off by Taylor Swift and this is the result. This is not my best writing, for the record*


Your eyes lit up as you heard the song playing and stood up immediately, singing along. Dancing was not far behind your singing, and then you were all around the room. There was only a couple others in the room and they watched you in amusement.

Finding Shiro's eyes on you as well, you skipped over to him. His face grew warm as you skipped around him, singing and adding small arm movements. The other Paladins laughed at Shiro's embarrassment as you simply smiled. You were enjoying yourself regardless of what everyone else was doing.

"Join me?" You asked. Your boyfriend quickly shook his head and you pouted. When he wouldn't publically embarrass himself, not matter what you tried to do, you danced off to enjoy yourself alone. Soon enough Pidge, who was playing the music from her laptop, got up to join you.

You had a ball showing off for the boys. Pidge sang the bridge (not the structure, the part of the song) while you pretended to be the guy she was talking about. You laughed during the part though, which made her start giggling too. But in the end, the other Paladins had joined you, besides Shiro, who just watched you all be silly. You'd have to get him to dance later.  


Your phone was playing random songs from Earth, something Pidge had given you. The music was quite interesting, you had to admit, and it was fun to listen to. A particular song came on that you found your hips swaying to. You checked the room you were in to make certain nobody else was in it before letting yourself dance around.

You were maybe half-way through the song (you weren't for sure) when you felt someone grab your hand and spin you around. You let out a gasp but you weren't surprised that it was Lance who had snuck up on you. He winked, making you blush, before dancing on his own.

You watched him for a moment, then slowly started to work the groove back into your body. However, you weren't exactly sure what you were supposed to be shaking off (the song implied that you were supposed to be shaking off something). But that's besides the point, because right now you were dancing like a weirdo in front of your boyfriend, who was also dancing like a weirdo. Thank goodness the others weren't around.  


You had laughed and started dancing, swaying your hips and twisting around. You were rather flexible so you made a show of using that 'skill' during your impressive tango. Keith watched you flounder around with a blank expression. You tried to get him to join you but he said no, folded his arms, and rolled his eyes as if it was dumb to even ask.

"Nobody likes Taylor Swift." He grumbled.

"I think she has a nice voice. Obviously I don't know anything else about her but." You shrugged before cartwheeling into a back handspring.

"You're fortunate." You laughed, sure he had to be exaggerating.  


You made your phone play the song Shake It Off as you were watching Hunk cook something. He had gotten permission from Coran to go nuts in the kitchen and he had jumped on the opportunity. You wanted to see him work his magic and make an amazing food dish.

Hunk looked up at you, not sure what you were doing, and you hopped off the counter you were seated on. You let your body do whatever it felt like, letting the music tell it what to do. He watched you for a little bit. The food could wait.

You held out your hand as an offer to join you but he wasn't sure what to do. After a few moments of him trying to choose whether to either deny or accept the request, you grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the counter, making the decision for him. He smiled as you let go and he attempted to dance, making you laugh and hug him tightly. He was so adorable.  


You watched as Lance and Coran danced around, why you weren't sure. Hunk looked like he wanted to join them and eventually he did. Allura and Shiro simply watched in amusement as Pidge rocked his head along to the beat you couldn't hear.

You moved closer to Pidge in a hope to understand what was going on and see something on the screen, what looked like a video. You watched a little bit before your boyfriend noticed you were there.

He smiled and understood what was going on. He set his laptop aside and took your arm so you stood up beside him. You watched, intrigued why he was dancing like he heard some sort of pulse that told him when to do this or that. Perhaps he was hearing something, you'd probably never know.

You strove to copy his actions, or maybe dance to the beat he 'heard'. It was rather hard, as it was like it switched constantly, at least too much for you to pick out a pattern anyways. Then they all abruptly stopped and you did too, wondering if the beat had stopped.

''Good job (Y/N).'' Pidge smiled.

"Thanks?" You didn't really do anything worth noting, did you? I mean, you just kinda moved your body to try and be like the others.

''That was kinda fun.''

"Yeah." You smiled. You had to admit, it would be easier if you heard or felt whatever it was they did, but it was interesting trying to dance. You'd like to try it again some time.  

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