He Turns Into A Kid

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*he becomes a kid (any age from newborn to first year in school). how he turns into the child is undisclosed*

I just wanted to say, this preference actually makes me sad. Think about it: back when they were kids they didn't have the pressure to save the universe and painful experiences they do now; they were carefree and innocent back then. This just shows how much they've been changed.


"No, Shiro, don't-" But your cry was too late, for little Shiro's hand had grabbed the knife from the countertop. You sprinted to his side and snatched it from him, causing him to look up at you with big sad eyes. You heaved a sigh and set the knife back on the counter, pushing it further from the edge than it was before. You crouched and booped his nose. "Those are dangerous, you can't touch them."

Shiro made some blubbery noises before waddling off in that way toddlers do to occupy himself with something else. He was a chubby baby, contrasting the man you were used to seeing, and the younger him didn't have a single strand of white hair. He also didn't have sunken eyes that showed just how much he'd been through. Instead they were full of life and curiosity and innocence.

"Anyone else want to take a turn of watching the child?" You called into the seemingly empty Castle. There was a pause before Pidge's distant voice answered.

"He's your boyfriend."

"That doesn't mean I should be forced to- Shiro, no!" The toddler had found a staircase and was standing at the top of it with his foot in the air, ready to plunge into the black void below. You sprinted for the child but realized you weren't going to get there in time so instead you lunged for him, pulled him into your chest and wrapped your body around him, then fell down the stairs.

Blow after blow later, you were at the bottom of the staircase and sprawled like a dead person. Shiro whined from being crushed in your arms, not coming to grips with the reality that you just saved his tiny behind. After taking a second to let out a groan of pain and get your breath back, you remembered that this was basically a basement and people get murdered down there.

Picking up the child and running with him like he was a football, you barreled up the steps and back into the safety of the main level. You kicked the door shut after you and set Shiro down, panting. You pointed at him.

"You..." You took a second to get air back into your lungs. "Are trouble."

"I hungwey." He put his hands on his belly. You sighed.

"Of course you are." You marched towards the kitchen with a displeased expression. "Just remember when you're big again you're the reason I'm not having kids."


Despite contrary belief, kid Lance wasn't that much like teenage Lance. Whereas teen Lance wouldn't hesitate to turn his flirt on when cute girls were around, kid Lance just seemed more content to act like a little boy his age would. For those not familiar with what Earthling boys are like, they think girls are disgusting because they have cooties (though, on the contrary, the boys are the ones with the cooties). Lance wouldn't make sounds of disgust if a girl came into the room (probably because he was being polite like his mama taught him to be), and neither would he pass up an opportunity to let a girl know she was pretty (because he was getting practice for when he was older).

"Ya know (Y/N), you should have a boyfriend." He grinned, revealing a few missing teeth. At first glance a few minutes ago, you thought something had happened to the missing hard white objects and immediately panicked. But then he proudly told you the story of when they first became wiggly and fell out, earning him money from something called a Tooth Fairy, and you calmed down.

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