Keith ~ Blame Game

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It was all Keith's fault! If he hadn't distracted you this mess wouldn't have happened and you'd be chomping on some strange food you found tasted amazing. Everything all fine and dandy.

Last week you had stumbled across a recipe that Allura explained (because it was written in Altean) and you had made it. Turns out it was great, and today you were given the chance to make it again. Of course, you jumped at the opportunity. Turns out that decision wasn't a good one.

But it wasn't your fault! Keith had come in while you were using a mixer, and your attention was taken away from it. Keith was asking what you were doing and when the food was going to be ready, and of course since you liked him, you gave him your full attention. You didn't know the mixer would go crazy like it did and spray everything everywhere.

As soon as it started spitting yellow food everywhere Keith had tackled you so you didn't get hit. The landing was rough and it took a second for you to regain your senses. Then you popped to your feet, dropped to the floor to avoid getting some dough to the face, and crawled towards the mixer. It felt like a warzone with how fast the mixer was spitting the food, and the sound of them whizzing overhead reminded you of the bullets shot by the Galran guns.

You held your arm in front of your face to protect it as you got to your feet, frantically searching for the off switch. Right as you found it, a particularly big blob hit you in the forehead and you fell back. Keith replaced you as soon as you went down and flipped the switch, shutting the mixer down instantly.

Creamy yellow everywhere. It looked like a tornado stopped by. Both you and Keith were covered head to toe in the gooey substance, which would not doubt take a long time to get out. Allura was going to be seething when she saw the mess. The one good thing you found in this situation was that it smelled pretty good, just like the food you were going to make before you were interrupted.

"We need to clean this up." You got your feet under you and surveyed the room with concern evident in your gaze. "Allura doesn't even have to know."

"We?" Keith folded his arms.

"Yes, you're helping me." You sent him a 'Don't argue with me' look as you picked up the mixer and put it in the sink along with the bowl it was mixing. Keith decided to argue anyway.

"This is your fault. I'm covered in this stuff because you weren't paying attention."

"You were the one that distracted me!" You shouted, spinning on him. "Why couldn't you have waited until the food was in the oven before asking me?"

He got up in your face with eyes narrowed down to thin slits. "I didn't know you'd be so reckless." You two stared each other down for a few tense moments.

"Help me with this mess." You said.

"No, it's not my mess to clean." He replied.

"Allura is going to kill me." Your eyes sparkled as water filled them. You had little doubt in your mind that she definitely would if she saw this.

"That's not my problem."

"Yes it bloody is!" You screamed, startling him. "You put me in this mess, now you're going to help me out." Another staredown occurred, and after more tense seconds ticked by, he sighed.


"Great." You smiled. "The mop's over there, I'll take care of the counters and cupboards while you take the floor." You trotted off to get a rag as he drug his feet over to the closet with the mop.

The floor was spotless, at least for the most part. Occasionally, when getting the sticky cream yellow food off the once spotless walls, the globs fell to the ground and got the floor dirty again, but you'd say the cleaning was going pretty smoothly.

Keith was currently mopping up a blob that fell to the ground and grumbling under his breath, scolding himself for giving in to your request. You had droned out his unhappy noises and were wiping away another spot. After that one you deemed the rag too dirty and turned towards the sink, swiping your finger along another glob to get some of it on that finger. You brought it to your mouth as you walked, and after tasting it, you smiled.

"It still tastes good!" You informed the grumpy emo.

"I don't care."

"At least try some. There's no other use for the batter anymore." You said lightly, turning on the water to wash the rag.

"Why did I agree to help you?" He said lowly, almost too quiet for you to hear.

"Because you don't want me to die by an angry Altean." You answered, making him look up.

"No." He knew the answer to his own question, he just wasn't going to say it out loud. You had a feeling he knew and cut the water, dropping the rag beside the sink. You made your way over to him while he silently watched with a blank expression.

"Tell me." You said. "Why did you choose to help me?" His eyes narrowed the tiniest bit as he tried to figure out what to say.

"I like you." Your eyes widened. "Now I'm done helping, I have better things I could be doing." He tried to leave but you grabbed his hand.

"You mean, like like?"

"Well yeah." He rolled his eyes as his cheeks took on a light shade of pink. You leaned forward and his eyes got wider, and when you finally touched down on his lips, his face was as red as his lion. You remained there for a second before pulling back.

"Alright, now you can leave." You smiled brightly with your eyes closed. He looked shocked into paralysis, but as you giggled, he snapped out of it.

"I'll, uh, see you later then?" He backed up towards the doorway.

"Sure." He smiled, yes actually smiled, then bumped into the doorframe. When he was out of sight you let out a happy noise and got back to cleaning, not minding having to do it alone. The kiss was still on your mind by the time you were done and leaving the room, but why wouldn't it be? That was your first kiss.

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