He Steals...

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*he remembered what you took from him, so he's repaying the favor*


As you woke up that morning, you went into the bathroom to take care of business. But you noticed something was missing as soon as you stepped inside. Your makeup kit was gone. Going out without makeup felt like you were going naked, so you searched high and low for the thing before finally going to search for it elsewhere.

Who could've taken it? You weren't sure, not until you came across Shiro's room. The memory of you trying to run with his boots on flashed through your mind and you decided to check with him first.

His door slid open and you stepped inside. He was sitting on his bed with a mirror in his hand, doing his makeup. He was working on the eyeliner when you bust up laughing, making him freeze. You couldn't even speak you were laughing too hard, so he just went back to what he was doing until you calmed enough.

"What are you doing?" You walked up to him.

"Using your makeup." He replied simply.

"Why, exactly?"

"Because you stole my boots."

"I didn't think you were one for getting someone back." You crossed your arms. He just shrugged. "Well, when you're done, I'd like that back." You left his room.


It was getting to the good part in your book, and as such the book was very close to your face as you hung off every word. Right as the villain was about to do something to change the story, the book was pulled from your hands. You gasped and whirled around to see Lance with the book in his hand as he walked off.

"Lance!" You fell off your chair and ran after him. "Give it back!"

"Nope, not gonna happen."

"Why?" You stopped, your hands falling limp to your sides.

"You stole my jacket."

"B-But you said I looked cute in it." You mumbled.

"You did, but I needed it later."

"Oh." That wasn't really your fault, was it? "Please don't damage the book." You turned to leave but a hand on your arm stopped you. He shouldn't have taken your book from you, and now he felt bad. You looked like someone just stole your ice-cream cone.

"Here." He pushed it into your hands before walking, leaving you with a small smile on your face.


"What the quiznak?" You mumbled, going through all of your drawers. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. There was no clothes anywhere. Groaning loudly, you stomped out the door with only a towel around your figure to find the person who did this. Your first suspect was Lance, as he was the kind to do that, but he was chilling next to Hunk. When he spotted you, his eyebrow rose.

"What's up (Y/N)?"

"Where are my clothes?" You demanded.

"In your room, but you can borrow some of mine if you'd like." He grinned. You considered his offer before sighing and sitting down next to them.

"I don't think you did it."

"Did what?"

"Stole all my clothes."

"Wait, your clothes are gone?" He sat upright as Hunk gave you a confused look.

"Why would someone steal them?" The yellow Paladin wondered.

"I have no clue." Then you froze. You did have a clue. "Wait, I stole Keith's bayard a little while ago. Do you think he's trying to get me back for it?"

"Sounds like Keith." Lance fell back onto Hunk, hanging his leg over the couch.

"Could I borrow your clothes please, Lance?" You smiled sweetly.

"Sure." He smirked, hopping off the couch and beckoning you to follow him, which you did. After he gave you some of his much too big for you clothes, he left the room to let you change. Stepping out, he ran his eyes up and down your body. "You look great."

"I'm only doing this to get back at Keith. You'll get your clothes back asap."

"You have good intentions." He patted your back, glad his rival's girlfriend was going against the mullet.

Later, when Keith saw you, his eyes almost popped out of his head. Mysteriously, your clothes were returned to you not long after that.


"Noooo, give it back!" You cried, racing after Hunk. He was surprisingly fast, so you had a hard time trying to catch him, but eventually you got him trapped in a corner. "Hunk." You held out your hand with a glare on your face. "Hand my food over."


"Think about what you're doing."

"This is payback for taking my bandanna." He crossed his arms.

"You left it out for anyone to take!"

"But nobody else touched it."

"Huunnnnkkkk." You groaned. He stuffed the rest of the food in his mouth and your jaw dropped. "You did not just-"

"Lert dish bee uh leshon ta yo." He pointed a finger in your face as he chewed. You just sighed heavily and left, grumbling about getting more food from the kitchen. You should've just done that in the first place.


''I didn't know you had a journal.'' Pidge said as he leaned against the wall of your room. You looked up at him in confusion, wondering what in the universe he meant. You'd never shown him you had one, you kept it hidden under lock and key in a secret place.

"What are you talking about?" You pondered aloud.

''This book.'' He held it up. You gasped and jumped to your feet, trying to take it out of his hand, but he held it away.

"Where'd you get that?!"

''Found it.''

"Give it back, please!" You begged. He held it between two fingers as he thought about that.

''One question first: why do you talk about me without glasses so much?'' You snatched the book from his hand and turned away, blushing as you hurriedly pushed it under your pillow. You didn't answer him.

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