Keith ~ Galra Mole

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You were a Galra sent to be a mole for Zarkon. Well, more like a mole that learned as much as it could before telling your boss everything. You had learned so much during your time there and grown so fond of the Paladins (and Allura and Coran) you had started to like Keith. Figuring you had nothing to lose, you made it obvious.

Then he admitted to liking you and you two became a thing. You still kept gaining information but you didn't focus on that as much as enjoying being with them. You weren't ever going to get the chance again after all.

But then the time came for you to return to Zarkon and deliver your information. It was amazing how easily you were able to turn right around and stab them in the back. You made a show of leaving, even sang a little to get your point across.

"I'm not the good guy, if you couldn't tell

I may be bad, but, I do it so well"

You grinned at their wounded expressions. They trusted you, after all.

"Don't call me evil, I'm just out for myself"

As you left your confident smirk fell. It had to be done, the Paladins deserved it. Zarkon would be so proud of you, you'd probably become his personal helper. You'd be able to take over the whole universe and nobody would be able to stop you, you'd have so much power you wouldn't know what to do with it.

But the guilt wouldn't go away. As you ran you tried to shake off the guilt, knowing what you were doing was for the good of your kind, the good of Zarkon. But you didn't make it farther then the bridge.

You stopped moving and fell to the ground. The guilt might as well've been a real creature literally eating your insides it hurt so bad. Why were you even trying to do anything for Zarkon anymore? The Paladins had showed you how bad he truly was, and how terrible it would be if Zarkon got Voltron. Everyone deserved to be free and not ruled by the Galra.

You looked over the edge of the bridge and nodded to yourself, becoming an emotionless thing. You hurried back to your ship and sent the message to Zarkon that the Paladins had found out your mission and you were aborting. Then you sent a message to the Paladins, apologizing.

"I can't do it, I can't betray you. You don't have to believe me, I don't blame you, but I'm not going back to Zarkon. If you want my ship it's right here, you can decide what you want to do with it." You attempted a smile but your lips didn't move like you wanted them to and it looked like a grimace. "I'm gonna...dispose of myself for the good of you." You let out a forced laugh. "Cause I'll have to tell him what I know if Zarkon finds me." Your face fell and water glistened in your eyes, but you fought with everything to hold the tears back. "I hope the fall from the bridge will be enough." You ended the message and the tears fell down, decorating the floor beneath you.

You had to do this, for Shiro, Lance, Keith, Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Coran......everyone that actually mattered. The tears didn't stop coming as you walked out of your ship and back towards the bridge. You were crossing it and eventually came to the broken spot. There was a large gap in between this part and the next and it was perfect for a dive to the ground below.

You started shaking, trying to stop yourself from straight up bawling. Why did you have to accept this assignment? Why did you have to have so much guilt it would lead you to do this so you didn't hurt them? Why wasn't life fair? Why was death the only escape? The tears stopped coming and you straightened your back, wiping your face to free it from the water. You were going to do this; it would be over quickly; there would be no more pain or suffering; the Paladins could save the universe.

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