Pidge ~ Remedy Of Song

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*I was requested to do a Pidge one so here ya go!*

It was customary for you to hum to yourself at night, especially after getting into the shower before heading off to bed. Sometimes the humming turned into singing, and after that it was possible you might start dancing (not in the shower, at least not very often).

Unbeknownst to you, Pidge liked to listen to you. It wasn't the fact that you had the most beautiful, melodic voice, or it made him sleepy, or that it was you that was singing (okay, that was part of the reason). It was just the fact that it had some quality in it that allowed him to sleep.

It was a mystery to him why he needed to hear a little music from you each night, but if he didn't get his 'dose', as he liked to call it, he was likely to have a nightmare. It was simple as that, so when he was given an opportunity to hear you he made sure to take it.

Now, if that was all there was to this story that'd be it, no point of even giving this introduction, but that's not where our story ends as you might guess. No, there happened to be one night when Pidge didn't hear your voice, and that caused chaos.

Now chaos, in this situation, is a bit of a strong word. It wasn't technically chaos, more like very unorganized turning of events. If you still wish to use the word chaos, I'd say that was the impact it had on Pidge's mind.

He woke with a start, trying to shake off the horror of a dream he just had. It was about his brother and dad, but why he had it after all this time confused him. That is until it clicked, when he remembered his ears had not heard the hums you produced as you got ready to go to bed after a long day like today.

Pidge hopped out of bed and creeped out of his room, slinking down the hallway on silent feet. Sneaking out to listen to alien chatter at the Garrison paid off, and soon Pidge was standing in front of your door.

As he raised his fist to knock, he paused. What would he say? His arm slowly lowered back down to his side as the what-to-say part of the plan was missing. He was waking you up in the middle of the night to ask you to sing, he needed a good reason why. He could tell you the truth, but that'd be embarrassing, if a little creepy. 

Besides, it didn't sound good. If he ever wanted to have a chance with you, he needed to not be so weak. You'd already shown interest in Shiro for being strong, so Pidge had to prove his worth too. Coming crying to you about needing you to sing a song so he could sleep didn't sound manly, so he had to think of a different way to say what he needed.

As he was deep in thought on what to say, you could feel the presence at your door and woke up. You rubbed your eyes and studied the door, seeing tiny feet on the other side through the narrow slit between the bottom of the door and ground (yeah, you got an old fashioned door). The lack of light made the feet appear smaller than they truly were but it didn't take a genius to see they were Pidge's.

Your legs slid out of the bed and onto the hard, slightly cool floor and you peeled the covers off the rest off your body. As you applied pressure to the floor while standing up, you wondered what in the world Pidge might want, especially at this late of an hour. Lucky for him, you wake up fast and aren't too drowsy/grumpy in the morning.

At the sudden opening of your door, Pidge jumped backwards in surprise. You tilted your head as you surveyed him, seeing him dressed in his pajamas like you'd expected him to be. Zarkon couldn't be attacking, otherwise he would've worn his battle suit.

"Hey Pidge." You stifled a yawn, keeping your mouth firmly shut, and waited for him to say something. It took a little bit, as he was still trying to come up with an excuse while not running his eyes over your body. You wore shorts, comfy in bed but a bit too short to wear in public, and a fairly loose top that showed a lot of skin due to sagging in places.

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