First Kiss

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*first kiss on the lips!*


You sashayed over to your boyfriend and peeked around him to see what he was looking at. He was examining his Galra tech prosthetic hand and he didn't look too happy. You looked at him with sympathy and moved in front of him so he could see you.

"What's wrong, baby?" You asked. He sighed and glanced up at you.

"Is it wrong to wish I just had a stump instead of this thing?"

"Well," you thought about it. "How useful is it?"

"Um," he struggled to think of an answer. "I guess it's pretty useful."

"If you didn't have it, would that provide complications?"

"No, I'd be happier without it."

"In situations you've used it, was it necessary or really useful?" He nodded. "Say you just had a stump at the time, would that make it hard to get out of the situation?"

"I guess so." He sighed and looked down.

"Based off your answers, I'd say it could be wrong." You placed a hand on his shoulder. "But trust me, having it makes you cooler." He nodded and placed a quick kiss on your lips.

"Thanks (Y/N)." You smiled back at him but fought an internal battle. You wanted him to kiss you longer, but maybe he didn't like those kisses. Maybe he just wanted the relationship to go slow.

"Would you be okay with extending that last kiss?" You might as well ask, right? He did nothing for a moment then slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, mind not on pulling away. You hummed happily and kissed back, actually getting to enjoy it before it ended.  


You were brushing your teeth, something that was fast because of Altean tech. Once you finished, your teeth gleaming, you spit out the paste and cleaned the brustles, setting the apparatus aside. You stepped back and readjusted your outfit so it was straight. Looking in the mirror, you sighed. Stray hairs were everywhere so you took a hair brush out.

You brought the brush through your hair and thankfully it worked. Satisfied, you aimed to drop the brush on the counter but you miscalculated and it hit the floor. You sighed at yourself and bent down to pick it up. However, you saw a shadow outside the bathroom door and squeaked, righting yourself quickly and holding the brush up as a weapon.

Your hand reached out to open the door but the person beat you to it, so you drew your hand back to hold onto the handle of the weapon. The door slowly opened and Lance stood there. You sighed in relief and your grip loosened, causing the brush to slip out of your fingers and fall again. You blushed and bent down to pick it up.

"Hey (Y/N)." He greeted, leaning against the doorway casually.

"H-Hi." You set the brush on the counter and faced him again. He must've stepped closer while you weren't focused on him because he was now in touchable distance. You tried to avoid his gaze but your eyes kept roaming back over to him.

"I was gonna ask you if ya had any extra blankets, I'm cold." He was already in his nightwear and he did look a bit cold. You nodded and made to step around him but he stopped you. In one motion that was over in a tick, he pushed you backwards so your lower back was against the counter and connected your lips.

You'd only ever kissed a couple people so you weren't very experienced. The feeling itself left your head in the clouds and it was a wonder how you were able to kiss back. You were shy so you didn't try to go farther, but Lance was not shy and ran a hand down your back. When his hand got closer to your bum you shifted, your facial cheeks becoming red. He didn't go any farther, however, and instead pulled back.

"Nevermind, I'm not cold anymore." As he walked away, grinning to himself, you stood frozen, a blushing mess.  


You sprinted to catch Keith before he left to get on the Red Lion and just made it in time.

"Wait, Keith!" You shouted before he could push off. He stopped and turned to face you.


"I know, I can't come with." This mission required you to stay back at the castle to help Coran and you'd been told a couple times already. "I just wanted to give you some good luck."

"Good luck?" He raised an eyebrow, hiding almost all of his interest in what your 'good luck' was.

"Yeah, you want some right?" You grinned.

"Sure, but can you make it qui-" You got on your toes, took off his helmet, and kissed him square on the lips. He almost fell over with shock but recovered enough to kiss back. Your hair had started to cover your face so he pushed it back behind your ear and placed a hand on your cheek. Your hand were moving from his shoulders to his hair when a shout from his helmet startled you both.

"Keith, where are you?!" Lance yelled.

"I'm coming, calm down." Keith glared at the helmet and you stepped back.

"Good luck!" You winked and he grinned, putting his helmet back on. He turned and jumped onto the zipline, swinging towards his lion.  


"Remember when you said I could cook for you whenever I wanted?" Hunk's voice came from your doorway and you perked up.

"Yes?" Was he going to give you food????

"I made you something!" He presented a small cake in front of you and you gasped.

"Thank you!" The cake was cut into two halves and you took one in each hand, shoving one into your mouth. You chewed and swallowed, bringing the other cake half to your face. You took a large bite before noticing Hunk's expression.

"Oh crap, that one half was for you, wasn't it?" Your eyes widened.

"You can eat it, I'll make another one."

"I'm so sorry." You actually felt bad, even if he did word it to make it sound like the entire cake was for you.

"It's okay." He smiled reassuringly. You put the rest of the cake in your mouth and you chomped away, watching his reaction to make sure he wasn't faking. Then he got a thoughtful expression. "Maybe I shouldn't make another one; you must taste like cake too, right?" You nearly choked but managed to swallow and nod. Right as soon as he knew you weren't going to die, he kissed you.

You kissed back, and being you, you knew exactly what you were doing. You figured Hunk was newer to it but that doesn't mean he was bad, he'd just have to have more practice.


Your eyes were wide as you stared at the broken computer on the ground. You were so dead, you just knew it. Pidge was probably on his way right now because he heard the noise it made hitting the floor. You truthfully didn't know it fell until a few seconds ago when you felt the pieces under your foot. You must've bumped it as you were bringing something into Pidge's room.

You turned your sights to the doorway to see Pidge himself standing there, staring in shock at the computer. You were dead, no question.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't meant to, I must've accidentally bumped into it or something. I should've been more careful and-" Your confession was cut off by his lips on yours, something you didn't expect. You slowly tried to kiss back as he pulled you closer and jumped when his hands cupped your red cheeks.

Then he pulled away and smiled at your embarrassed expression. ''I don't need it."

"Are you sure?" You still felt bad.

''I can fix it.'' You hesitantly nodded and watched as he stepped up to it, setting it back on his desk to fix. He paused though, and placed one more kiss on your lips before setting to work.  

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