Three Choices [Akai x Joker]

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Phoenix forced his way through the corridors, anger raging in his eyes. He would melt down metal doors and burn alive the guards in the area. He kicked down a door that lead to a room with two visible objects.

There were two poles, one had Hosshi chained to it, the other had Joker gagged, tied up with his body beat up. Phoenix rushed over to free Joker and get him to safety, but once he was close enough to reach him. Chains sprung out at him and pulled him back.

He was right there. At my finger tips. Yet I still couldn't save him.

Joker looked up ever so weakly, the eye that bore his scar was closed. "Phoe...nix..." He whispered so softly, his voice barely audible, but the room was silent.

"Hahaha! Welcome, messenger of the southern cross!" An anonymous voice called out enthusiastically, "You seem to be in a tight situation right now!"

Phoenix clenched his firsts, the chains on his wrists were growing smaller and tighter, meaning more painful.

"From my observations, you seem to enjoy giving people three choices to choose from." The voice continued, Phoenix furrowed his brows in confusion, "So how about I give you three choices?"

A small hatch opened and water began to stream out. Phoenix jumped up a bit, making the voice laugh. "What are you gonna do? I'll escape this, then save both of them!" He proclaimed, his voice faltering a bit.

"Tch, Tch, Tch." The voice said, "How about now?" Several more hatches opened and water began filling the room, it seemed every second a gallon of water was added.

Phoenix shook his head, "Im gonna make a miracle happen! Just like Joker would!"

Hosshi began freaking out, Phoenix trudged towards the two poles and tried reaching forward. "Acrux!"

"Phoen...ix..." Joker called out weakly, Phoenix whipped his head towards the Phantom thief, though one eye was closed, there was still tears coming out from the other,

"Joker..." Phoenix's eyes shined sadly, he was tugged back to the back of the room, letting out a howl of pain before slamming into the water. He got up quickly and rubbed his wrists.

"Listen closely, Phoenix..."

"You have three choices..."

"Save yourself, save Acrux, or save the Phantom thief."

Phoenix had a feeling. This feeling was pure pressure, he looked at his options briefly. If he had saved himself, he would have to live with the guilt of leaving his two closest comrades. If he saves Joker, he wouldn't be able to escape by himself, considering he was beaten and in so much pain. If he saves Acrux...

Phoenix let out a scream as the cuffs on his wrists clenched tighter, he choked on the water that was splashing highly.

"Tick, tock, Phoenix!"

Phoenix took a moment to stop

"Hey... Phoenix..."

Joker's voice echoed through Phoenix's head, he looked at Joker. The Phantom thief was looking directly at him, his eyes were tired.

"I'm tired..."

"I want to rest..."

Joker collapsed into Phoenix's arms, he seemed exhausted from his recent treasure hunt. "Joker?" No reply, the Phantom thief was soundly asleep in his arms. Phoenix let out a dreamy sigh, hugged the Phantom thief and let him lay down on his lap.

Phoenix looked towards Acrux and smiled weakly, running forward and jumping up. "Phoenix arrow!" He yelled, summoning his weapon and slicing the chains down. Acrux jumped onto Phoenix's head, who quickly grappled his servant and tossed him to a ledge near the top. "GET OUT, ACRUX! RUN!" Phoenix commanded, Acrux seemed hesitant, but then found his way out and escaped.

"Dumb choice, Phoenix."

Phoenix screamed as the chains practically crushed his bones, he looked towards Joker, the water had already ready risen to above his torso. He yelled, "Joker! Look at me!"

Joker raised his head, and smiled weakly, "Phoenix..."

"It's okay! I'm still here!"

The water rose high enough too completely submerge Joker underneath. Phoenix called out again, but Joker didn't reply.

Is this really the end?

Is this how Phantom thief Joker and the messenger of the southern cross die?

Die together?

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Phoenix collapsed into the water, his cells began to dissolve and soon enough, his body was no more. As for Joker, he suffered a slow and painful drowning, while watching as the figure in front of him disappeared.

Phoenix opened his eyes once again and looked around confusedly, had he been saved? He was out in the open air again.

Just as he was about to stand up, someone kept him down. He turned around and saw Joker standing behind him, "You didn't have to be all dramatic like that, did you?" He laughed playfully, offering his hand.

"Screaming out to the pseudo-cat, I was dying and I wanted a quiet death." Joker continued on jokingly, "Though I really didn't imagine dying like that..."

"Joker..." Phoenix stared up at him, Joker looked down at Phoenix's kneeling figure.


"Are you still tired?"

Joker stared for a moment, before letting out a laugh that sounded like an angels, ever so soft and warm. "Not anymore." Phoenix took Joker's hand and stood up, smiling.

Life is a game

To participate in this game

You have to put your life on the line

When you die, you either win or lose

Joker stood up proudly and pointed towards a source of light that looked similar to the southern cross, "Come on, yawning jerk."

As for me

Phoenix nodded and Joker began to run towards the light, Phoenix followed right behind him.

Joker turned around and laughed warmly, Phoenix smiled.

It seems like I've won

Because our game was the best I've ever played


Phoenix nodded, "We can go now."

Hand in hand, the two walked underneath the bright light, smiles on their faces, eyes staring into each other's.

"Looks like we won't be meeting again under the southern cross," Phoenix whispered, Joker smiled. "Welcome to the last shining night."

Authors note


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