Mistake [Dump x Spade]

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"So you two are finally getting married?" Joker placed a hand around Spade, winking towards Spade's fiancé, Dump. "Congrats you guys, I'm sure you'll live a happy life." He skipped towards his own husband, Phoenix, wrapping his arms around his neck, "Just like Phoenix and I."

Spade smiled warmly, nodded and took hold of Dump's hand, holding it tightly and ever so lovingly, "I hope we will."

Dump raised Spade's hand up to his lips, planting a gentle kiss on his wrist. "I'm sure we will." He comforted, staring longingly into Spade's eyes.

"Pft." Phoenix snickered, "At least you guys have such a nice, innocent relationship." He said, Dump raised an eyebrow in confusion, "When Joker and I were still dating, we fought all the time, and ever since we got married, it's just gotten worse." He laughed, Joker nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Joker! The Sky Joker is ready to leave for Spain!"

Joker replied to Hachi through his watch, "Well, Phoenix and I will be heading off." He said, "I have plans for us."

"Huh? What? I thought you said you'd just be stealing a treasure?"

"Nope!" Joker grabbed Phoenix's wrist, "TO SPAIN WE GO!"

And just like that, they jumped out of Spade's airship, out of sight and out of mind. Dump stared for a moment, before he let out a sigh and pecked a kiss onto Spade's ear, "Hopefully we won't turn out like them. So wild and noisy."

"It would be fun though." Spade suggested, chuckling a bit. Dump simply let out another sigh and laughed along.


"Dump? Are you in here?" Spade opened the door to Dump's room, usually he wouldn't be in here unless he's working, but he wasn't in bed with him and no where else on to air ship, "Oh jeez, where has this guy gone..."

Changing out of his pajamas, Spade brushed a comb through his silky blue hair, followed by adjusting his phantom Thief uniform. He pulled out his phone and sent a message to his fiance, "Dump, where are you?"

Spade jumped onto his motorcycle, that fell out of his air ship and onto the hard road. He zoomed around the area, checking through the windows of the buildings for Dump. He even passed the coffee shop the two always visit on their morning walks.

In the midst of his worry, his phone buzzed and Spade immediately took it out of his pocket.

"I'm working, don't look for me. Pick me up at the old Devil's Fang building at 17:00."

Spade whined, "That's like seven hours away." He puffed out his cheeks, then smiled. "I'll just pay him a surprise visit then!" He tucked his phone back into his pocket and drove to the building. It seemed like only yesterday the building was being exploded while he and Joker were trying to save Dump.

He parked it on the side, and entered the building. The lights were off, just like the rest of the corridor. He checked the elevators, not working. Checking the others and finding out all of them were switched off, he decided to walk up the stairs, listening for any sign of Dump.

"You're not gonna get your hands on him! He's under my protection!"

A voice yelled, though it sounded barely audible to Spade. He stopped at the floor where he had heard it and walked down the corridor, listening for the voice to repeat itself.

"Stop it! You're plan isn't going to work!"

"He's too smart for you!"

"He won't fall for this!"

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