Happy Birthday!

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"Happy Birthday, Joker!" His friends exclaimed all at once the moment Joker entered his playroom in the Sky joker. The room was decorated with streamers and confetti, leaving Joker all the more surprised.

"When did you..." Joker was about to speak, but Spade raised his hand and cut him off.

"We're miracle makers, Joker."

"Okay then." Joker said, his eyes shining at the colorful decorations.

"We have so much planned for you today!" Roko exclaimed excitedly, "And even a special guest!" He added. Joker raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" Joker asked, there were many possibilities.

"Try and guess!" Hachi exclaimed, jumping towards his superior.

"Uh... Princess Paprika?" He said, "Or... Rainbow Justice?" He went on and on with different names of people he had met while stealing, "I don't know anymore! Tell me!" He said, he could no longer bare his excitement to see who they had invited.

"We'll give you a hint." Hachi said, as he turned towards the others and gave them a nod, they returned the movement and all spoke.

"He likes games."


The rest nodded, and left Joker thinking.

"Oh God, don't tell me..." He suddenly said, in midst of realization of who this special guest could be. "Is it... the yawning jerk...?"

"Ping pong." Phoenix walked into the room, with a box in his arms. "Happy birthday, Joker." He flashed a smile and gave Joker the box. "For you! All your comrades said you liked this!"

Joker suddenly blushed at even the thought that his friend's got this guy to get him something. "T-thank you guys..."

"Well..." Phoenix chuckled, "Go on, open it."

Joker nodded enthusiastically and opened it up, only to chuck it across the room, yelling angrily.  "wHY WOULD YOU GUYS DO THIS?!"

"DEMON!!" He pointed at Phoenix, "MONSTER!!" He pointed at Spade, "BATTLE AXE!" He cried out as he pointed at Queen. "YOU GUYS ARE HORRIBLE."

For inside the box, was a little kitten that was eagerly waiting a new owner.

Everyone burst into laughter. While Joker continued to whine about how they completely ruined his birthday. Phoenix laughed a bit more, before he let out a yawn and a sigh and swung an arm around Joker's neck.

"But seriously, here's your gift."

Joker puffed out his cheeks and took the second box frustratedly, "I swear to God if this is a cat plushy I'm gonna drown you." He threatened. Then opened the box to see it was a red-ish jewel. With a black cross in the center. If you looked at it from afar, one could easily mistake it as Phoenix's eye ball.

"What... is this...?"

"It's a tracking device." Phoenix explained, "Specifically for me, just put it on your eye and it'll show you where I am through my own vision." He took it from Joker's hands and positioned it in front of his eye. "See?"

"I just see myself." Joker said.

"Then it is working." Phoenix smiled, "Except all I see is the handsome face of a Phantom thief."

Joker blushed and wobbled back a few steps. He then took the jewel and kept it in his pocket, "I already know I'm hot, so you don't need to remind me."

Phoenix stared for a moment before laughing, "Haha! You really are one interesting human."

Queen cut in between and showed off a strawberry cake to Joker, "Happy Birthday! I'm taking half of the strawberries on this cake though!" She said happily, Joker laughed.

The group sat down at the table and the cakes that were brought were divided into slices for everyone to take. Shadow and Rose brought an apple pie, but the two had already managed to eat more than half of it.

"Mhm! The cake everyone brought is delicious!" Joker jumped happily, but then noticed Akai leaning on one of the corners, looking down with his hands in his pocket. He approached him and offered a slice to him. Akai refused politely, which surprised Joker.

"Something wrong?" He asked, Akai shook his head.

"I just... really... Really, don't like sweets." He glared at the slice of cake that Joker had in his hands. "It's just... bleh." He stuck out his tongue playfully, making Joker laugh.

Time skip

Joker waved goodbye to everyone, they all left one by one, leaving Joker a present. Shadow gave him a punch, then jumped out of the Sky Joker.

He stretched his arms and yawned, "Man, today was so fun! I'm beat!" He collapsed onto the couch and let out a long sigh, and was about to fall asleep, when another body toppled onto him. Joker flailed around a bit, before a finger was pressed against his lips, a familiar voice spoke,

"I'm sleepy, let me rest."

Joker immediately recognized this voice as Akai, he glanced up and saw that his guess was correct. Akai was soundly sleeping on top of Joker, who growled in frustration, because even though it didn't seem like it,  Akai was surprisingly heavy.

Joker let out a sigh, then buried his face into the couch cushion and let the sweet relief of sleep consume him.



I'm ded

What's your name

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