Miracles [Miraculous x Kaitou Joker]

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"On June 18 at six pm,
I will be stealing the miraculous stones
owned by Ladybug and Chat Noir."

Ladybug read over the notice in her hands, it was from the mysterious figure known as Phantom Thief Joker, a thief that travels the world in seek of priceless treasure, and unluckily for Ladybug, he's set his eyes on her miraculous. The notice was advanced to two weeks from now.

"Is there something wrong, m'lady?" Chat asked, looking over her side. The two were in the middle of a patrol in the night, watching over Paris from the ever famous Eifel tower.

"Should we be worried about this?" She showed him the notice again, Chat rolled his eyes.

"I don't think it's something we need to worry about, when we work together," He stared into her eyes longingly, a grin on his lips, "Nothing can stop us."

Ladybug nodded in agreement, tossing aside the notice as she stood up and called for Chat to follow her and continue their patrol.

In the shadows, a hand caught the advance notice between their fingers, then let out a sigh. "Good grief, she just tossed away my advance notice like that?" He stepped out of the shadows and stared up at the jumping figures, "Then I'll just have to make the flashiest entrance I can."


Marinette walked into her classroom, quite shocked to find two extra tables at the back of the classroom, and four new students she had never seen before. Marinette took her seat next to her best friend, leaning towards her and whispering, "Who are the new guys?"

Alya laughed and turned around, calling one of the new student's attention. He appeared to be around fourteen, his hair as white as snow, his eyes shining a bright blue and a scar running across his left eye. His clothes were nothing out of the ordinary, a dark blue jacket and some jeans. The boy stood up and flashed a smile, "Hey Aliya, you called?"

"Aye, my friend here wanted to know who you guys were." Aliya said, ushering her hand towards Marinette.

"Oh," He smiled, "Im Jack, over there are my friends, King, Queen, and Akai." Marinette looked over to see a blue haired boy with his hair tied in a braid, a girl with blonde hair in pigtails, and one more boy that had red hair with yellow tips.

"Aliya says we're really nice, but I'm not sure about that." Jack said awkwardly rubbing his neck, laughing a bit.

The teacher entered the room, Jack waved and went back to his seat.


"Why are you always so mean, King?!" Jack yelled, tears flowing down from his eyes as he ran past Marinette and behind a tree. She debated whether to go to him and comfort him, or go to King and scold him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a dark laugh, a figure walked out from behind the tree Jack was hiding behind. The figure looked almost like him, but his hair was darker, he had two scars running across his left eye, a dark purple mask around his eyes. He wore a dark purple suit, a hat with a checkered design and a cape to complete it all. In his hands was a dark colored umbrella.

"No... it can't be..." Marinette stared in shock, "Jack was.... akumatized?"

"I am the black shadow that paints over the light!" He yelled, aiming his umbrella at king. "Shadow Joker!"

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