Under the Rain

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Gallons of rain poured down from the sky, the clouds were grey and the world was dull. A clap of thunder sounded, making Akai flinch, then turn to the direction of the sound.

Unfortunately for him, he was caught in a thunder storm while traveling across the Pacific Ocean, on his way to another country from India. There was no sight of landing ground anywhere nearby, and he was only around halfway across the ocean.

Pain ran through his body, his limbs becoming sore. He continued to push forward. Rain water getting into his eyes and stinging his wings, he would let a hiss of pain out every now and then.

Looking down, all he could see was violent seas. Waves building up at around ten feet tall, then crashing back down and the cycle continued.


He began to descend down towards the sea unconsciously, his body and mind growing weaker. The rain only grew stronger, Akai was practically at the brink of giving up.

"Is this really how I'm going to die?"

He weakly looked around for any kind of safe area. Then let out a sigh, he began to close his eyes, his vision still focused on the water beneath him. The pain grew to an unbearable point.


It all just stopped

Akai looked around in confusion, the rain had stopped above him, but not around. Within a few seconds, he shook off the drops on his wings and looked up.

"Were you really about to give up?" A voice said, then sighed, "Can't have that."

A hatch opened underneath and Akai flew inside, transforming while he was still in the air, then fell onto his knees in the air ship. He panted heavily, wiping away the water from his face and letting out a whine. "I'm soaking wet! I feel gross!"

"Stop being such a cry baby." Joker walked into the room, tossed a towel at Akai. "Dry up, I'll be waiting for you in the cock pit." Then left.

Akai shrugged and dried off, then stood up, placing the towel on the side, he went to follow Joker into the cock pit. Joker stood there, staring out the window and at the millions of rain drops pouring down.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Joker sighed. "The rain is such a beautiful thing."

Akai puffed out his cheeks, "I'd like to see you prove that."

The Phantom thief turned his attention away from the window and flashed a warm smile at Akai. "Come over here, I'll show you."

Akai rolled his eyes, shoved his hands into his pocket and stood next to Joker by the window. "Water is the main source of life on Earth." Joker began, "Without it, everything would be dead. No plants, no animals, no humans."

"You're just afraid of it," Joker looked into Akai's eyes, "Right?" His lips curled into a cocky grin, as he began to laugh.

Akai chuffed, "Hey! I'm only afraid of it because I'll die if I'm exposed to it for too long!" He yelled angrily, crossing his arms hastily as he watched Joker roll around on the floor. "I thought you were gonna give me some really important speech! But no!" He shouted, "You just had to be yourself, didn't you?!"

"Stop laughing already!"


//shrug I'm lazy to give it a proper ending so ye

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