Welcome Back [Mild Jackai???]

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Exactly one year ago

Under this constellation

The Southern Cross

They were supposed to meet right here

The stars were quite bright tonight, the wind was howling and the area was siqlent. The area was gorgeous, trees were added to the area, flower beds were scattered around evenly.

Phantom thief Joker stood alone in the shadows, his eyes were shining as he stared at the stars. His hat was at his chest, his heart beat was slow and calm. His breathing was the same, the,world around him was silent and serene.

"Hey..." He started, "Yawning Jerk... Can you hear me?" He asked. His heart rate rose slightly as he continued to speak, "You said you'd be back sooner..." He chuckled softly, rubbing his watery eyes. "Guess promises really are meant to be broken."

He fell on his knees and cried into his hands, dropping his hat to the side. The world around him was still silent, but he- oh god... his tears stained his hands and the floor beneath him, his gasping and sobbing was loud and distorted. His heart beat was fast, very common sights when someone cries.

His gasping slowed and his sobbing softened. He stopped crying almost immediately, but he still had his face buried into his hands. Out of the blue, his hat was placed back onto his head, and a voice followed.

"Huh, never expected to see you- Phantom thief Joker- crying."

Joker looked up in shock, to see Phoenix standing behind him with a smirk on his lips and a light blush on his cheeks. "Y-yawning jerk!" Joker cried out.

Phoenix kneeled down and wiped the Phantom Thief's scar lovingly. "Miss me?" He teased. Joker blushed and took hold of Phoenix's hand. "Guess I did..."

"HAHA! I WAS RIGHT!!" Phoenix laughed as he jumped up and danced happily, but also mockingly. Joker just laughed, standing up and following his friend.

"Alright, Yawning Jerk, let's get some curry from Hachi..." Joker offered, Phoenix nodded happily and jumped up. Joker walked ahead, and Phoenix followed behind with his hands in his pocket, just like old times.


Lmao, this actually isn't this short. There's a lot more but eh I'm too lazy to add it cuz it just goes off topic lol.

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