What is Love?

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"Joker," Akai swung his arms around Joker's shoulders, resting his chin near the boy's neck, "What's love?"

Joker shrugged, "Depends, there are different kinds of love."

"Can you tell me then? What kinds of love are there?"

Joker made his way towards the couch, setting down and letting Akai sit next to him. They sat there in silence for a bit, Joker taking a few moments to collect his dialogue. To someone who's never known love before- this, was going to be kinda difficult.

"Well, there's uh, family love, platonic love, romantic love, narcissistic love," Joker paused and winked, making Akai chuckle. "And that's the majority of it."

"What's it supposed to feel like when you're in love?"

"You're asking a lot of questions you know," Joker smiled with amusement.

"I'm curious."

"Curiosity is what killed the cat."

"No idea what that means, so just answer my question please."

"That would've been so cool if you said, 'but satisfaction brought it back'." Joker set down the book he was reading and invited Akai to sit next to him. The Alien boy followed and sat down on the couch.

"So, What is it?"

"Well," Joker paused, he looked around the airship mindlessly, "When you're in love with someone, its like you're always thinking about them. No matter what." Akai listens carefully, watching Joker curiously, "When you wake up, they're the first thing you think about, when you're about to sleep, they're the last thing you think about."

"What else?" Akai asked excitedly, this seemed so interesting for him. Love wasn't necessarily forbidden on his home planet, but he'd never experienced it before.

"You always want to think of ways to make them smile, some people can get clingy." Joker continued on, he aimed his vision at the floor beneath him, his eyes were going all over the place, but Akai's remained on one target, "You get a weird tingly feeling in your heart when they're around, it's just... so..." He made some hand movements to express his lack of vocabulary.

"Oh," was all Akai replied.

"Did you want to know more?"


"I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Both Joker and Akai were on the top of the sky joker, the sun was soon to set and Akai had to head out to find a resting spot for the night. Since Joker doesn't allow Akai to bring in sticks and leaves to build a nest, he agreed to stay in the area for the night and then both of them will leave in the morning.

"Yeah," Akai smiled, he transformed into his more alien looking form and took off, his wings catching the drift of wind. Diving down near the town, he found an empty town house, entering inside, there were a few places where water dripped down, but nothing too bad. There were bags of flour in the corner, so instead of wasting his time gathering more sticks and twigs, he decided to just use the bags as his bed.

The room was progressively getting darker, until it was at the point where you could see only a few dim rays of light coming from the moon through the cracks in the wooden wall. Akai rested his head against the bags, he let out a satisfied sigh, finding out his makeshift pillow was soft.

One, it was quiet, nothing but soft hoots from the owl outside and the occasional creaking from the floor as Akai shifted around.

Two, Akai faced his side, wrapping his hands around his torso, a bored look on his face

Three, he closed his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the face of the Phantom Thief he knew all to well.

Four, he took a deep breath then let it out.

Five, The thought hit him like a truck,

"Shit wait, I think I'm in love."


Morning came and Akai was ecstatic to race back to the Sky Joker, he practically broke down the door and made his way into Joker's room. He saw the white haired boy still asleep, so he grabbed him and shook him awake.


"Wha- what? Phoenix? What the hell its so early..." Joker whined, his eyes opening for a few seconds before they fell closed again, "Few more minutes."

"No! Wait! This is really important!"

"What could be more important that my sleep, god dammit."

"I think I'm in love!"

Joker's eyes jolted open in shock, he could now clearly see the bright blush on Akai's cheeks and the glorious shine in his light red eyes.

"With... who?"

"With you!"

And Joker proceeded to scream while trying to get out of Akai's arms.


"Those were some fun times, weren't they?" Akai leaned against the concrete figure behind him. "I still remember the look on your face when I finally told you."

"Hossy! Hossy!" The small space cat cane jumping into the area, he nudged against Akai's leg. His noises translated to, "Phoenix! It's time to leave! The ship is all powered up."

Akai nodded, with a sigh, he stood up and turned around.

"I'll visit soon again, my love."

Akai followed his small companion outside to his ship, leaving Joker's grave behind in an almost empty cemetery.



Both Joker and Akai were incredibly OOC in this one shot but I thought it was cute

Pls kill me I don't have any ideas

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