A fair maiden [Ai x Rose]

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There was a fair maiden in the kingdom, a princess who went by the name of Rose. She had an older brother, who would soon be the heir to the throne named Cyan. The two loved going around in their little village, talking with villagers and exchanging gifts.

One day, while they were purchasing some apples from a vendor, two horses entered the kingdom, followed behind them were guards. Rose gave a guess that they were royalty as well, but Cyan easily saw them as some kind of threat.

Until one of them stepped down from their horse. She took away the hat covering her face, revealing shining purple eyes, lavender makeup painted over her eyelids. Cyan turned away with a frown, trying to keep up his reputation of a dark and brooding prince.

"Good evening, my fair prince and princess." She bowed, "You may call me Spade, this here is my cousin," She turned a full 90 degrees and referred to a man in a suit that wore bandages around his head.

"Oh? Why is he wearing bandages? Is something wrong?" Rose asked, taking the man's almost lifeless hand.

"Ah yes, he was in a terrible accident, tossed against a tree by his horse. Very tragic." Spade sighed, "But he is healing, and hopefully he'll be fine soon."

"So uh, do you two have a reason to pass by?" Cyan asked, wanting to get over this interaction quickly.

"We were searching for a place to stay, our navigator," One of the guards in the back took off his helmet, revealing a young man with a grin on his face and eyes with crosses as pupils, his red hair tipped with yellow, "Had predicted a storm coming soon, and our kingdom was still far, would you mind if we stopped here and took a break?"

"Of course you're welcome to stay!" Rose exclaimed happily. Spade smiled, riding back on her horse, as well as her cousin.


"These are the guest rooms," A female guard with blonde hair tied in pigtails opened a huge door to an open room, "Breakfast is usually served at six to ten, lunch at one to three, and dinner is always at eight."

"Thank you." Spade bowed, the guard returned the gesture and left the two alone.

"Pardon?" A new voice knocked on the door, it was quickly opened by a male maid with snowy white hair, "The princess wants me to ask if you two wanted a snack, and if so if you wanted to join her and her brother."

Spade shrugged, looking at her cousin who gave a nod.

"We'll change quickly, and we'll follow."

The boy bowed and closed the door, Spade quickly removed the dress and untied the corset around his lower torso. "Dear God, it's so tight." He danced around the room gracefully and pulled out his messenger bag, pulling out a night gown and slipping it on.

Dark Eye helped Spade loosen up the corset so he may breathe freely, while simultaneously unwrapping the bandages around their own head. Her hair fell like silk, a smooth green that was pleasing to the eyes.

While the two were getting ready, night fell over the kingdom sooner than expected. In the chambers down below, the rest of the armada from Spade's kingdom resided. Their navigator was currently kneeling on the floor, a map spread out in front of him. He had a pencil in hand and was making marks all over the place.

One of the male maids dropped by with some bread and milk, "Um, hey." He greeted, setting down the basket and bottle of milk. "Greetings." The navigator returned without looking up. "I assume you're here to-" He looked up and came face to face with the shiny blue eyes of the one in front of him.

"My name is Jack," The maid bowed gracefully, "You're part of Spade's kingdom, no?"

"Ye-Yeah, that's right." The navigator gulped, spreading his arms to roll up his map. Jack stopped him by opening it up again and taking a spare pencil that was lying by his legs. "I like your map, what's your name?"

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