Please [King/Cyan]

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Spade made a loud nasal kind of grunt, he bent backwards to avoids getting shot by the tranquilizer darts launched towards him. Dark Eye skillfully caught one of the darts between their fingers and tossed it aside.

"Always a pleasure watching you work, Mr. Spade." Dark Eye commented smilingly.

Spade straightened out his hair and pulled a few strands out of his mouth, "Hush up, Dark Eye. A professional is at work." He continued moving forward, sneaking between walls and behind the blind spots on CCTV cameras.

"There it is..." Spade's lips curled into a smile, he laid his eyes on the shiny glass case that contained the treasure he was here for. He glanced around the room for any potential traps, nothing suspicious. Hesitantly, he took a step forward but was quickly pulled back by Dark Eye.


"It's Miss Rose." Dark Eye always had an ear piece underneath the bandages covering their face, they were listening closely to Rose's voice through the call.

"What's wrong?" Spade asked.

"She's requesting we go to their residence immediately."

Spade felt a twist in his stomach, before nodding and escaping the area without giving the treasure a second glance.


"Rose!" Spade called out, he got off his motorcycle and let it fall to the floor. He quickly ran to the entrance of the castle and pushed the doors open, there was a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking, he winced at the noises.

Spade wasted no time waiting for Rose to tell him what was wrong, he rushed up the stairs and towards the door that led to Shadow's room. There was more chaotic sounds coming from inside, Spade attempted to push the door open but it wouldn't budge.

Shadow let out a violent scream from inside the room, the hair's on Spade's neck stood up in fear, he pulled out his ice gun and shot at the door knob. He used the handle of his weapon to shatter the knob, breaking the lock in the process. He kicked down the door and pushed himself off the ground, tackling Shadow to the floor.

There was glass scattered on the floor, dents on the wall, broken windows, picture frames, scratches on the bed posts and on the inside of the door.

"Get off—!" Shadow growled, he pressed a leg against Spade's chest and shoved him off. Spade rolled on the ground and got up in a defensive stance.

"Come on! Hit me!" Spade yelled, he had his fists up and ready to fight.

Shadow locked eye contact with Spade, he was panting heavily and his head felt light from all destructive damages he's been causing. His stance faltered slightly, his heart pounded violently.

"Hit me, Shadow! Come on!" Spade yelled once again.

Shadow set down his fists, there was blood staining his gloves in the knuckles area. He broke all that glass with his bare hands and even left dents in his concrete wall.

"See? If you can't hurt me, if you can't hurt Rose or any of our friends, you have absolutely no right to hurt yourself!" Spade approached Shadow cautiously. Shadow shifted his feet uneasily, he pulled off his gloves after realizing the stinging pain in his hands.

"Come here."

Shadow inched closed into Spade's open arms, the blue hair thief lifted Shadow up and brought him to the bed. "You have to stop doing this to yourself, please." Spade removed his own gloves and brushed his fingers against the back of Shadow's hands to ease his tension.

Shadow frowned, he avoided all eye contact from Spade, he just looked down at the floor in shame. Spade use the bed sheets to soak up the blood from Shadow's fist, he hissed as a instinctual reaction.

Spade whipped out his gun and switched it to the mist mode, he shot it up at the ceiling and the cold air spread through the room, making the thick smell of blood subside. Shadow took a deep breath, he didn't always admit it, but he enjoyed the smell off cold air.

"Please, please promise me." Spade held Shadow's hands together, "Don't ever do this again. It's not a good look on you, babe."

Shadow finally looked up and directly towards Spade's calming purple eyes, the eased smile on his lips, his blue hair gracefully falling from his shoulders to his back. This, this was the man that Shadow first felt love with.

"I'm... sorry."

"You should be."

Shadow bent forward and pressed his head against Spade's chest, he took another deep breath to take in the cold air. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Spade wrapped his arms around Shadow's head and held him close to his chest. "It's okay, Cyan. It's okay." Spade let out a soft 'shhh' to calm him down. Shadow was just about ready to cry, and he did.

Spade let out a breath, he felt the tears from Shadow's eyes stain his clothes. Shadow hiccuped and choked on his sobs, Spade massaged his back to ease him again.

"You're alright, baby. I'm here." Spade mumbled softly, he checked around the room and took note of all the damages, before turning his full attention back to the teal-haired boy sobbing in his arms.

"I'm— I'm so tired..."

"I know, baby. You can rest, I'll clean everything up."


Spade shushed him once again, he leaned back on the wall and let Shadow sprawl his legs onto the bed, he let his head calmly fall on Spade's stomach. "When you wake up, I swear everything's gonna be okay. As long as you promise to never, ever do this again."

"I... promise..." Shadow breathed out, before letting his eyes close and he fell asleep. He winced every few seconds, but eventually just fell into a peaceful sleep.

Spade brushed a hand through the other boy's hair lovingly, he trusted that whenever Shadow made a promise, he would usually try his best to keep that promise. He gains trust but he doesn't hand it out.

Rose and Dark Eye appeared at the door, assuming that the incident was over. Spade mouthed the word 'bandages' and Dark Eye rushed off to go get some. Rose looked absolutely heart broken, she stepped into the room, levitating over the glass and towards the two on the bed.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I sure hope so."

Shadow's eyes were closed now, but Spade could remember the terror he could see in them, the absolute horror from those years spent rotting in a fog filled castle, the merciless training sessions and all the pain shoved onto his shoulders.

"I'll take care of him."


Y'all I know that there's a ton of drama happening in the KJ fandom at this time, but I'm just gonna keep posting like nothing happened bc I'm a prick uwu

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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