Chapter 1. Yay, Road Trip...

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Magnus POV

3 hours on the road with your friends-relaxation, fun times, absolute bliss... NOT.

Being cramped in a car with:

-Sam shouting at you to look at road.

-Malory teasing you about staring at Alex (I was not) and teasing Alex about staring at you.

-Halfborn laughing at Malory teasing you and Alex (Hahaha very funny).

-Blitz commenting on the style choices of everyone we pass by.

-Alex moaning about how bored she is.

-Hearth signing about how we should "Think about how we act around the new people without revealing our 'abilities'" (he must have been very mad because no one took notice of him with all of the commotion).

Was not my idea of fun!

-3 long and tiring hours later-

We've arrived at what looks like an ordinary strawberry field, until we came closer to a pine tree upon a hill - it then turned out to be a camp.

Annabeth POV

Magnus should be arriving right about now, I gathered the whole gang (Percy, Piper, Jason, Leo; who is now back, Calypso, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Reyna and Will), Grover sadly could not make it though. We sat by the entrance until a guy with blond hair and grey eyes started to approach.

"Annabeth!" He exclaimed.

"Magnus!" I shout back as he comes towards me and we hug.

Percy POV

Everyone was gathered up by the entrance as I wondered something out loud, "How will they get in the camp?"

"Don't worry," Annabeth replied ominously.

She lead everyone through the barrier and I see the newcomers pass through easily,

"H-how?" I stutter. Everyone else seems to also be confused, well-except for the newcomers.

"I- we need to tell you something." Annabeth tells us.

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