Chapter 9. Wow, the infirmary! What fun...

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Rachel POV

I woke up in the infirmary with Will standing over me. He turned around and started making exaggerated hand gestures to... Chiron? Yeah. Chiron was listening intently, but I could not hear a word of what Will was saying. After his apparent 'freak out', Will turned his attention back to me.

His eyes widened as he saw me gaining consciousness, I started to hear what he was saying.

"She is fine seeing as she is stirring, but she seemed to have something happening to her; great emotional trauma, etc. It seems that something horrible happened that she won't tell us about, we just need to ask..." He drifted off as he heard my confused muttering.

"Why am I here?" I asked myself, louder than I hoped to have said it. All of my memories from when I was last time conscious flooded into my mind. "How long have I been- well- passed out?" I asked.

"You have been 'out' for approximately, hmmm, four days." Will responded, looking over his notes.

"Four days?!" How could I have been in this state for four days? It felt like two seconds. Will cleared his throat loudly, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What happened?" He asked- tapping on the edge of the infirmary bed. I gulped- I hated thinking about it, how was I supposed to tell another person? It will cause panic and fear. Alas, it is the only way to prevent it.

"I think it would be better for me to tell everyone, as in the whole camp," I said.

"Are you sure? Remember what happened last time you tried to.." Chiron said, not being able to finish the sentence.

"I'm very sure, it is the only way to prepare," I responded, I tried to sound as reassuring as I could- I was failing.

"Ok..." Will finally said, knowing that arguing is useless. "You can go, but only once you have fully recovered. Understood?" He said sternly. I had no choice but to say fine, but my voice was merely a whisper.

My eyes started to hurt and I slowly drifted into slumber, the last thing I saw was Chiron and Will gazing at me with sympathetic looks.

Chiron POV

Once Will had left (something about a doctor's note and dark powers), I went up to Rachel and told her my thoughts on what should happen:

"Don't you think that you should tell me and the head counsellors of each cabin before everyone else knows? That way we can spread the news without having to worry about you passing out." I said to her calmly.

"That is a better idea," someone from behind me responded.

In one swift movement, I turned around to see Hazel. "Sorry, did I hear something I wasn't supposed to? I just wanted to check on Rachel and see how she was doing." Hazel said. Rachel and Hazel have grown to be quite good friends over time, they had a lot in common.

"Nonsense, it's completely fine," I reassured her.

I turned back to Rachel and asked her if she would do it this way instead.

"Yeah, I think this is much better than my old plan. When shall we do the meeting?" Rachel responded.

"Whenever you feel at your best," I said. "Hazel, please tell the head counsellors that a meeting will be held as soon as Rachel feels better."

Hazel muttered a quick "Sure" and hurried to tell the other councillors.

I left a few moments after that, leaving Rachel to get some rest.


Sorry that I'm taking some time to update, I need some ideas on what should happen next. What do you think the prophecy is? Sorry about my cliffhangers, I've been trying to figure the story out. Make sure to comment requests, opinions, etc. ;)

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