Chapter 3. Powers!!!!!!

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Magnus POV

Once Alex had said that, everyone decided it was a good way to distract ourselves.

One by one everyone went up and 'performed':

Percy- He controlled water and spoke to a horse (Water powers and animal speaking abilities, quite cool).

Hazel- She summoned jewels and controlled the 'mist' (That's what they called it).

Frank- He turned into animals (Like Alex, nice).

Piper- She asked for a volunteer and made them do things (The volunteer was Halfborn, Malory laughed her head off when he had to do the chicken dance).

Jason- He summoned lightning and flew (I heard someone call him 'Sparky' in the crowd, that is a nickname worthy of Alex and Malory).

Leo- He lit himself on fire and made a small contraption (It was a machine that translated English to ASL, Latin, Ancient Greek, Norse, etc . And vice versa).

Nico- He summoned skeletons and teleported (He got scolded by Will who told him "I told you no underworld powers, Doctor's orders.").

Hearth- He used runes (He made a wall appear out of thin air).

Blitz- He asked for a volunteer and made them a dazzling outfit (The volunteer was Leo, who said that he was "Smoking Hot" and "On Fire". Reyna then threatened to break his arm if these jokes continued).

Sam- She camouflaged into the background and flew (Nice).

Alex- She transformed into animals and made pottery. (Mallory nudged me on the arm and told me I was drooling, I. Was. Not.)

Me, Magnus- I made myself glow (yup, so impressive of me), I also asked if anyone had any injuries and healed them (Hazel had gotten a cut from training that would not go away) and I willed Jack out of pendant form, who then sang a bad Taylor Swift cover.

Alex POV

The Greeks and Romans had some cool powers, but by the time we finished the 'show' it was curfew.
Jason then said that we will be put in a cabin that suits our parentage/skills, I was put in the Hermes cabin with Sam (Because of Loki), Magnus was put in the Apollo cabin (Duh, he's so sunshiny and stuff), Blitz was put in the Aphrodite cabin (Fashion experts), Hearth was put in the Hecate cabin (Magic) and Mallory and Halfborn were put in the Ares cabin (War).

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