Chapter 6. Good news? Bad news? Same thing

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Percy POV

I was talking to Blitz when Chiron calls us over. Alex, Magnus and Mallory seemed to have heard and came over, leaving a very confused Halfborn, Blitz, Hearth and Sam to follow. Chiron said to me that we should show 'the Oracle' to the visitors, I agreed and that was the whole conversation.

Once everyone was gathered around, Chiron cleared his throat and began:

"Hello everyone! I would like you to meet our Oracle, Rachel Elizabeth Dare."

"Hey everyone," she said before beginning to say something that was quite surprising...

Alex POV

This 'Rachel Dare' person seemed to be sending mixed up vibes around the room; creative (I like that), worry (I don't like that) and a few others that I would not be able to name. I ignored my feelings and broke the silence:

"So, what's up?" I asked, even though that was quite a stupid question- I knew something was going to be bad.

"There is some news I have to say," she started.

"Well, the good news is that I can get subtle dreams again." I heard some excited chattering and saw some worried faces.

"What's the bad news?" Hazel asked with fear lingering in her eyes.

"Ok, the news was not quite good..." she stood there thinking of how to word her 'news'.

"The evil guys, the Roman ones that want to destroy the world, yeah- they were the ones who sent me the dreams." She said, stumbling on her words.

"Wait, dreams as in plural?" Jason asked, his voice full of uneasiness.

Rachel POV

My mind was racing, showing me thousands of things at once. Their voices were mingled in with the memories, telling me to "be fearful of what's to come" and stuff like that.
Everything was spinning. I heard distant voices asking if I was ok, but when I tried to respond "I'm fine" all that came out was "Plans...Uprising...Battle...Bloodshed..." before I stumbled forward and my vision blacked out.

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