Chapter 4. Second Thoughts?

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Annabeth POV

It seemed like the first day had gone well, things were a quite tense though. When I told my friends that the others were coming, they were quite sceptical...

Flashback to that morning

"Guys, today my cousin will be arriving at camp with his friends, I need you all to be there."

They all responded with an "ok", but I could not help but wonder if this was a good idea. Come on Annabeth, you are supposed to have the amazing strategic skills. Don't let your abilities fail you.

I was suddenly knocked back into reality when I heard Leo, "Hello, Annabeth are you in there."

He was waving his hand frantically in front of my face. I slapped his hand away and said: "I'm here."

Reyna then said, "As I was saying while Annabeth was visiting the abyss, how do we know that we can trust them?"

I then immediately responded, "Don't be stupid, it's my harmless cousin you're talking about."

I must have said that quite harshly because Jason threw his hands up in the air and exclaimed: "Okay, fine!"

Alex POV

Once I had gotten comfortable in my bunk, my thoughts were immediately switched on. I felt like a thousand voices were screaming at the same time,

"They will not trust you."

"They will hate you."

I wanted to yell STOP, but my mouth seemed to be sewn shut. My voice came out as tears collecting in my eyes, they seemed to be filled with an infinite amount of sadness- but I wouldn't let them spill. I felt like I needed reassurance.

My mind told me that I had no one, I was trying my best to tell myself that I had friends; Magnus, Sam, Malory, Halfborn, TJ, Hearth and Blitz. They are my Family. With those thoughts, I finally started to calm down, but my mind was still cluttered as I managed to drift into a dreamless sleep.

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