Chapter 13

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April 20th, 1900

                Dear Diary,

                                Today was like no other. I had finally gathered the rest of my kind. Lila, Cameron, Isabelle, Beth, and I headed towards Ireland to meet up with Gregory. Like us, he was born a human and like us he was part of The Immortal Innocence. We were on bad terms at first, seeing as how I controlled fire and he controlled water, but it last only a few hours. As much as I would hate to admit it, I had grown to like the other. He was smart and level headed which made up for Beth. She’s a weakness in our group. She may have gathered us together in the first place, but she was so young and still refuses to understand the dangers.

                Thanks to Stoker’s book, vampires have been attacked more and more. I asked Devon to send me Jack or even Christian, but he refuses. I can understand why he would refuse to call Jack since he doesn’t have the best mental state, but Christian was my family. If I had a way to get a hold of him directly, I would have. He’s my only family. I shouldn’t have to do this for the sake of being kept sane.

                Air caught in my throat. I couldn’t believe what I had read, but in the same token I could. This person’s diary held secrets and feelings that I couldn’t even began to understand and yet, I was trying my hardest to get a glimpse of the Fire Starter that lived before me.

April 21st, 1900

                Dear Diary,

                                Isabelle and Lila died today. We were attacked by a group of Hunter’s just outside of Winslow. They died with honor, though. Isabelle took my advice and mimicked the enemy. She died protecting Lila. It was my entire fault. I had stayed behind with Cameron to help him train. None of us had expected for hunters to be in the area. By the time I had caught wind of the fight, it was too late. I was forced to bury the two girls with Gregory, Beth, and Cameron. I was forced to write a letter to their parents. I wish it was I who had perished instead of them. I would give anything to turn the clock back and change with them.

                Tears streamed down my eyes. I felt that with each word I was becoming part of the person who had written the diary and vice versa. The invisible weight that had grown on my shoulders seemed to double. I felt like the wooden floor underneath me was going to give way under the pressure.

April 22nd, 1900

                Dear Diary,

                                Cameron finally sharpened his skills as a reader. He can concentrate on reading one thing at a time or multiple things at once without getting confused. We stayed up throughout the night and had Gregory hunt for us while we worked. I remember him coming back as if he were walking right in front of me. He had a broad smile on his face and held up two deer.

“Sophie Anne! I brought us dinner!”

                I remember him shouting those very words earlier today as he placed the stunned prey on the steps of the porch. I had run out to greet him, never before hearing my name shouted with such delight. Devon never even shouted my name so happily when we were married that century. The deer tasted surprisingly good compared to how I thought it was going to be, but my excitement caused my hands to cook the meat as we ate. It wasn’t all too bad.

                I pulled my face out of the diary and turned to look at the covered painting that still sat by the rocking chair. It was coming clear now. Devon was trying to confuse me so that I didn’t know what I truly was. It was the lamest way to try, but he did for a reason. Did he not want me to face the same fate as Beth and Lila? I shook my head, that wasn’t it. There was still something I was missing- a big clue to the never ending picture. Who was hunting Sophie Anne? Why were they hunting her and the others if she had saved them?

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