Chapter 15

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                The next few days were more entertaining than I expected. Marcello came over a few times to check up on me and tell me that Devon had gone to Albania for work reasons, Sophie stopped by to hang out, and Zane was still lingering around my place of inhabitance. He seemed more on edge and even threatened me a few times. Each time I laughed at him and left the room. I wasn’t going to lie and say I wasn’t afraid of him, but I knew him well and he knew me. Our threats towards one another weren’t exactly empty, but fatal harm was something we avoided entirely. Despite knowing me for such a short amount of time, he trusted me the most. I was his “Only true friend” as he put it countless times.

                We had kept him hidden from Marcello and Sophie though we had a few close calls. If they knew I was hiding a fairy in Link they would have drained him dry… Or at least that’s what Zane said they’d do. Knowing him, they probably would just for the hell of it. 

Cameron also stopped by on several occasions. They were mostly to see Zane, but I didn’t mind since it gave me time to go shopping for some food. Unlike what all the movies and books said, human food was fine to eat as long as you had a steady diet of blood.

“Are you done?”

Looking up from the bag in my hands, I locked eyes with the light purple eyed fairy. We stared at each other for a moment before I finally threw the empty bag into the trash bag he held open. One of the reasons I love having Zane around was because he was a secret clean freak. It was helpful where I was becoming busier and busier.

Cameron had come by a couple of days ago and offered me a job at his shop. It was something I couldn’t refuse. It wasn’t like I could go without a job seeing as how I still needed to pay Marcello back for the damages to his truck. The vampire had said that I didn’t need to, but my parents had taught me to always pay back for something I destroyed.

“Beth lost her ability this morning,”  Zane informed me, “You need to go to Grand Rapids.”

“Going there is a damn suicide mission.”


                I blinked for a moment as my cheek began to sting and then full on burn. He had slapped me. Zane had actually slapped me in the face. I felt my stomach begin to churn and the burning feeling rise up inside me. What right did he have to slap me? Did he forget that I was the victim here? I owed it to no one to get myself killed by the enemy all for some stupid Innocent. They had to fend just like me.

“I don’t know what happened, but you aren’t the same Ezimiah I had thought of as a sister in Boston. The Ezimiah I cherished would have left even if it was a suicide trip. She would have wanted to help others. You are just like the rest of your kind. To call you a friend is an insult to my tastes.” He seethed, moving to leave out the kitchen.

                I stared intently at the back of the fairy’s head before watching his hands shoot up to his head as he fell to the floor. His cries filled the silence of the house as I burned him from the inside. I didn’t change. I know I didn’t change. I was still the same Ezimiah that he knew. He was the one who had changed. He was the one who became more human when he wasn’t supposed to be. He was the one who wanted to change me!

                I squatted in front of the crying fairy as his screams pierced my ears. He wouldn’t shut up! He wouldn’t stop crying and I could see how much pain he was in. I didn’t plan to stop. He needed to be punished. I was teaching him a lesson.

“This is your own fault.” I told him, his cries becoming louder.

                His cries had filled my ears to the point that I didn’t hear the front door crash in or the hurried footsteps. It wasn’t until I felt several pairs of hands pull me away from the kitchen that I was forced back into reality. My blue eyes stared at Zane as his screams came to an ear shattering halt and Cameron knelt in front of his unmoving body.

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