Chapter 1

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It's Friday, Friday

Gotta get down on Friday

My eyes shot open and I flew out of bed, the sun that shone through my window momentarily blinding me before I could close my eyes. I had just woken up, but I already knew that it wasn't going to be my type of day. I could feel it under my skin. Even a small part of my brain warned me about today, but I didn't listen. I never listened.

Holding down the 'Stop' button on my phone, I unplugged the electronic device and walked over to my closet. I absolutely hated that stupid song, but it managed to wake me up in the morning which was apparently a good thing. Having the song ring in my ears afterwards just proved its worth after the initial shut off.

"Wake up, Ez! We have school today!" I heard Maddie yell from the other side of my bedroom door.

Maddie was my closest female friend who just happened to be a witch. Sometimes I wondered if I could have included deaf since she seemed to never hear my annoying alarm go off.

Maybe I should take my house key from her. I thought to myself, shimming out of my pajama bottoms with a small sigh.

On a regular day I would have kept those bad boys on and tried to talk Maddie into letting me wear them to school, but today was different. The city of Boston had finally hit a heat wave and we were all feeling it.

"Are you awake, Ezzy?" Maddie asked as I took off the rest of my clothes and threw them in my dirty clothes hamper.

"Don't worry, Maddie. I'm fully awake." I said, suppressing the yawn that passed through my lips as I wrapped my towel around me.

After a moment of silence, I heard Maddie's footsteps trail down the hallway and smiled to myself before fishing around my room for an outfit that would keep me cool. Once I picked out a pair of basketball shorts and a green tank top I made my way out of my room and to the bathroom. I ignored the cool breeze that passed behind me.

My shower took me a good forty minutes. I had to scrub myself down at least twice and wash my hair three times before I felt clean. I swore to myself right there and then that I was never going to go another weekend without showering. Though I had good reason...I just couldn't miss one minute of the 1930's horror movie marathon.

Once I was out of the shower and brushing my hair I remembered that I needed to feed Frost, my pet beagle, before I left for school. After my parents died and my adoptive brother, Trent went MIA I made sure to treat Frost with extra care. I didn't want to lose her as well.

"Maddie, can you feed Frost for me?" I asked loudly, opening the bathroom door after getting dressed.

The house was silent. Granted, I didn't expect for there to be a crazy party downstairs, but I didn't hear anything! I took a single step out of the bathroom before pausing, the hair on the back of my neck standing at attention. The air felt stiff. It felt like a massive ball of tension just placed itself right there. Even with the stiffness of the air, I could feel something move. I felt like it was closing in on me, but I ignored it. I was alone in the house for the most part, but even knowing that I still looked up and down the hall.

Paranoid, much? I thought to myself when I came to the conclusion that no one was cornering me.

Stepping out the bathroom, I called my friends name, "Madders?"

I still got no answer. It was definitely strange not to get an answer from Maddie (Madeline is her real name). Ever since sixth grade when I met the blonde, hair dye addict she would answer any question whether it was meant for her or not.

It was then that I felt that cool breeze from earlier linger behind me. That time I didn't ignore it. I stood still, terror taking me over bit by bit.


My body tensed. The voice behind me was excited. I could feel his body press against my back as he inhaled my scent. I took deep breaths to calm myself, though it was impossible. Before I had the chance to freak out and scream, the intruder placed his hand over my mouth tightly. Unlike the stupid girls in horror movies, I thrashed in his vise like grip, but he didn't budge. The man behind me wrapped his free arm around my waist and held me close to him, making my hostile movements incapable. I still tried to fight back as he tilted my head to the side and ran his tongue up the side of my neck. I could feel my heartbeat quicken and my eyes went wide. I wondered what kind of psychopath was behind me.

"You taste richer than wine."

I stopped thrashing around as he tightened his hold on me, pain from the tightness causing me to wince. I felt like I was getting a deadly bear hug, though it was a lot less friendly. Ever so slightly I could feel him loosen his grip. It was then that I took my chance. Wrapping my foot around his ankle, I tugged it from under him, causing us both to fall backwards. His grip released on me enough for me to wiggle away from him and crawl away. Just as I was about to get up, the stranger grabbed my ankle and yanked. My body slammed against the floor, knocking the wind out of my lungs and banging my chin against the hard surface that lay underneath. I winced and gasped; the pain in my chin only a fraction as bad as not being able to breath.

"Aww. Did I hurt you?" He asked sarcastically, his British accent slipping up.

Without taking a chance to glance back and see my attacker, I kicked him in the face with my free leg. After hearing a crack immediately after slamming my foot into the other's face the grip around my ankle loosened, allowing me to get up and make a run for the stairs.

"You bloody bitch!" I heard him scream as I jumped over the railing on the second floor.

I was thankful that I had forgotten to move the futon from beside the staircase, my forgetfulness supplying me with a comfortable landing. Not wasting a second, I leaped off the futon and sprinted for the phone in the living room. I could hear my heart beating and blood rush through my ears. My adrenaline was working over time, but my smarts saved me from turning around and opening a can of whoop ass on the psycho who licked my neck. Mind you, my fighting skills weren't that great.

Reaching the phone on the glass table, I snatched it up only to have it yanked away from me. I stared at the man who was in front of me with dark eyes. I watched him break the phone to bits and I regretted not having my cell phone.

Cell phone.

I allowed myself a moment of extreme panic as I remembered Maddie and Frost. Where were they? Dread replaced the panic as I thought of what the blonde man in front of me possibly did to my best friend and my dog.

"I can't have you making calls, Love."

I swallowed the bile that was rising up my throat back down. Between the thoughts of what he could have done to Frost and Maddie and him calling me 'Love', I felt like I was going to hurl last night's dinner.

"You are rather boring." He commented, snapping my attention back to him before I suddenly felt myself get slammed against the table that held the phone moments before.

Without skipping a beat, the blonde crouched over me, his cool breath against my perspired skin. I thanked my adrenaline rush for my not being able to feel the shattered glass beneath me. Scooting backwards, I shook my head as he came closer to me. It didn't take long for the tears to start forming as he pinned me down with one hand, the other tilting my head to the side and exposing my neck.

"Who are you?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"I'm Christian: Your worst nightmare." He whispered in my ear just seconds before a sharp pain ran from my neck to the rest of my body.

I screamed as the pain shot through me. I kicked and clawed, but to no avail. It didn't take long for the pain to cease and be replaced with a numb feeling. I felt tired and fought to keep my eyes open. Feeling him pull away, I looked at Christian with heavy lidded eyes and noticed his blood stained lips.

"And soon you will be my copil."

Before I had the chance to ask him what he meant my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep. A very deep sleep.

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