Chapter 17

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Glaring at Zane, I struggled to try and free myself from the duct tape and silver he had used to bind my hands and feet. With his light purple eyes he gave me that smug look he used over the years and I growled. He was such an ass! I mean, I knew he was an ass, but he had leveled up on a few levels. First of all, who duct tapes and wraps their friend in silver? I was sure with that alone, Zane had lost his mind and Cameron was no better. I had already agreed to go willingly.

"Can you two just make up already? This tension is gonna end up killing me." He groaned, driving off the street and into a dirt patch.

I listened as he cut the engine and shifted in his seat to look at us, but I didn't dare take my eyes off the fairy. There was no telling what he was going to do next. Zane's eyes darkened in color, turning back to brown before he looked at his great grandfather. With his eyes finally off of me, I allowed myself to relax a little before turning to look at the older vampire.

"Can you please tell me why it's so important that we go to Michigan with duct tape and silver?" I asked, my bright eyes looking into Cameron's for some type of answer. "Are you secretly trying to kill me?"

All I knew was that vampires were turning a lot quicker than they usually did. Well, that's not exactly true, just the Innocents. I didn't really care if we were turning and as messed up as it sounded, it was true. How was I to care when no one was explaining what the danger was? WAS there even a danger?

"You didn't tell her?"

"Of course I didn't. That's between them. I don't plan on dealing with it." Zane told the other, his eyes locking onto a car that drove by us slowly.

Dropping the sounds of everything else, I zoned in on the extremely slow car. It was hard and I wasn't really sure why I was doing something so time consuming, but I listened to the voices as they kept driving away. The further they got the more I felt as though I was playing with gum. I could stick, but it just got thinner and thinner as they moved.


Instead of a piece of gum I felt like a string of elastic that was slapped right back into the world. It wasn't fun. As I boiled up with anger and annoyance, my wrist burned at such a high degree that I could feel the duct tape melt around my wrists. Once it was melted away it took all my might to keep from screaming as the sliver melted against my skin.

"What?" I spat through clenched teeth. Silver hurt like hell!

"Calm down," Zane said in his calmest voice, causing me to sit back as the last of the silver melted into the car seat.

I knew that they could smell my flesh burn and I knew that they were purposely ignoring it. Did they want me to get out? Maybe they ignored it because they were being lazy. As much as that possibility pissed me off it seemed very much like Zane on a normal bases.

Cameron sighed and tapped his fingers on the staring wheel. I could tell he wanted to say something, but was waiting until we were both paying attention to him. He was starting to remind me of my English teacher in Boston.

"This is as far as we can go."

My heart stopped (Not that it really had a beat to begin with) and I moved my hand from behind me. Gripping the two front seats I dug my nails into the fabric and pulled myself closer to the two men. They had to have been kidding. Did they really think I was going to head the rest of the way to Grand Rapids on my own? I was a (barely) breathing target! Those hunters killed my kind for shits and giggles!

"Don't start destroying the car. Once they know who you are, you'll be safe," Zane assured me. "Cameron and I will most likely be killed on sight. Just go straight and don't get mad at anyone."

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