Chapter 16

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I stared Trent down before turning to escape out the window. He, of course, blocked me once again. I tried once more for the door, but he was becoming relentless. I threw my grey duffel bag on the ground and scowled at my adoptive brother.

"Let me go, Trent," I ordered, though I had no right to order him around in his own house.

"Just go back to your room."

"Why?" I asked, "Why should I go back to my room when just outside that door are the answers to my questions?"

"Because I promised your dead parents that I'd protect you."

"Protect me? Oh, that's rich Trent. That's fucking marvelous! Just like you protected me from getting shot twice and a knife in the gut? Just like you protected me from getting in the car with Ross only to get into an accident? Really, Trent, thank you so much for the protection. I really like how you protected me from Christian!"

There was a silence between us after I exploded in the other's face. He deserved every ounce of hatred that I poured into my voice. He said that he promised my parents he'd protect me and yet there I was: Scared, undead, and fuming mad. If he wanted to play the dead parent card he should have done it a hell of a lot sooner.

"I realize that I made a few mistakes-"

"I don't remember a time when you didn't make a mistake."

"Talk is cheap coming from a girl who can't remember half the shit that happened." He growled.

I scowled and charged at my brother, slamming his body against the door because he was too stubborn to move. Just as quickly as I had done that, Trent wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Don't do that. Let me go you overly tall douche head!" I complained, "Why don't you just come with us or something? I want to go. There is no other way to repay Zane for what I did to him."

"So you think that getting yourself killed is the way to go?"

"It's better than pretending you'll be there for me."

Slowly, Trent's arms moved from around me. I took the chance to push away from him and I stared the older vampire down. I watched as he stared at me for one long moment and then stepped to the side. He even opened the front door. Was he seriously letting me go? Had he finally understood that he couldn't keep me against my will or did he notice that he couldn't protect me the way he had promised my parents.

Instead of asking I picked up my grey duffel and walked right out that door. He didn't try to stop me and he didn't try to use his words to stop me. He was through with pretending and I knew it. Zane was leaning against a car that belonged to either him or Cameron not that far away and I walked right to him. Behind me I could hear the door to Trent's home slam shut. My heart couldn't help, but fall.

Trent's POV

I slammed the door shut just a little while after I allowed Ezimiah to walk out the door. She was being foolish, but I knew she wasn't going to listen to me. She had every reason to. I hated how much she grew up.

Curling my hand into a fist, I slammed it against the wall while I pushed my other hand through my hair. I didn't feel the pain. I had stopped feeling pain way back when my real family died, when I was still human. I pulled my fist from the wall and walked into the kitchen to grab a blood bag. I was one of those 'emotional eaters' that health doctors hated so much. Kind of ridiculous that a vampire was an emotional eater, but it was better than randomly gutting prostitutes. That's what people had called it in the twenty-first century, right?

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