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The cool air whistled like a gentle fairy's wind, the couple's linked hands, it was going to be the perfect night, except for the four shadows slithering behind their backs, peering from every corner. As for Alvin, he was extremely nervous. He reached into his pocket to check if the precious object was still there, then his eyes shifted onto Brittany's face, then all the way down. With a jolt, he realised something. Her face wasn't her usual self, and it had turned into a suspicious expression. As for the others, Simon had whipped out his phone and took a few snapshots. 

"Psst.. Alvin!"

"Yes babe?"

"Alvin this is serious! I heard the click of a camera coming from that direction!" Brittany gestured with a finger towards the bushes.

Simon's POV:

I cursed my bad luck and my carelessness. To my horror, I realised something. My glasses had fallen onto the floor, and the blue frames were protruding out of the bushes. I turned my head, just to see Alvin and Brittany had stopped walking and were whispering among themselves. 

Alvin's POV:

Brittany's suspicion's were bothering me, so I scanned the environment quickly, just to see a tiny brown hand peeking out of the bush that Brittany was referring to. I knew that something was fishy, but it was confirmed when Brittany spotted three pairs of shoes and a light green dress. 



"I think we are being followed. We have to get home, now!" 

There we go! A long time since I Updated,  I am so so Sorry! Make a guess on what the "Precious object" Is and put it in the comments. Thanks for the love and support for this book!

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