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Brittany's POV:

I was already long prepared for our date and stayed up all night. This was the 5th time, for goodness sake! I had hidden my dress under my bed from my sisters, and it took me a matter of minutes to change, before peering out of the bedroom window, and found Alvin waving at me. Waving back, I grabbed my shoes and walked downstairs briskly.

"Brittany. Let's go. What took you so long?" Alvin grinned mischievously. I mock glared at him and smacked him lightly. "Well, It's your own fault for waking up so early. Anyway, Rule Number One of dating, the guy has to be earlier than the lady." I rebutted. He only smiled and pecked me on the cheek. In my heart, I knew that through his antics and his ego, he truly loved me and wanted our relationship to work out.

Alvin's POV: 

This date would be the most memorable of all. I was not a bookworm like Simon, but I knew that tonight was the occurrence of a beautiful phenomenon. I clasped her hand and crossed the road briskly towards the park. Seeing Brittany shivering from cold, I whispered, "Almost there, don't die on me now! I need you!" Brittany simply rolled her eyes, but she was hiding a tiny smile. Leading her through the skatepark, I found the hill where me and my brothers normally hung out at. 

"What are we doing, Seville? I thought we were supposed to-" She was cut off when I turned her head towards the sky. I ushered for her to lie down on the grass and I sat down beside her. She was mesmerised by the shooting stars and I bent my head down and made a wish. An hour flew by, then three, but both of us were still there, our hands clasped. When I whipped out my phone to check the time, my face paled. It was 4 am! Stiff from all that sitting, I tugged Brittany up and showed her the time. The effect was instantaneous. We both glanced at each other, and brisk walked down as Brittany could not run in her dress.

"This is all your Fault!" Brittany hissed.

"No! It's yours! You lost track of time!" I returned fire.







Before long, both of us were laughing hysterically. "Why is it that both of us always quarrel about losing track of time, then laugh and make up?" I whispered. "Cause it's always your fault?" Brittany replied nonchalantly. "Hey! You are always the one who starts them!" I fired. Before long, We were both squabbling the rest of the way home before kissing and heading our separate ways....

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