Admitting (Part 2)

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Hi! Imma back! I will try to update every 2 weeks so don't fret. I have exams coming up so I might occasionally miss my deadline. But don't worry and I'll just continue writing ok?

"I.. I am so sorry.. I should..shouldn't have yelled at you guys like that... I was just so.. Pissed.." Brittany stammered as she saw both her sisters go red. Finally, Jeanette broke the silence.

She snapped: "Oh WOW! Now everyone in the whole world knows that I like Simon! I am going to be the talk of the whole town now. I.. I don't even like him! He's just a friend ok! You.. You Jerk!" Jeanette stalked out of the room and slammed the door. Eleanor just shook her head and just hopped onto her bed before covering herself with the blanket. Brittany looked at the floor shamefacedly, before clenching her fists and taking a few deep breaths. 

Jeanette's POV:

After I went out the door, I ran out of the treehouse, and spent of my energy, I slumped onto the lawn, my mind too preoccupied to fall asleep. My mind drifted to astronomy as I lay down and tried to count the number of stars, then science, and then.. finally to Simon. To be honest, I actually realllyyy liked Simon. Ok, maybe like is not the appropriate word. I.. I had actual feelings for him. His brightness was what I was attracted to, along with his occasional funny antics and his smile. But, the only drawback was that with all that brain of his, he was  dense. And now I was starting to wonder... Am I the only one in Love?

Phew! Done! Aww poor Jeanette. This story is gonna be more like a drama if I continue to write like this... Ok Peace out! XO

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