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"Alvin, Brittany, It may have been dark, but I can see perfectly well with my glasses! Were the both of you, ahem, holding hands? And what were you talking about earlier on?" Simon questioned.

"Well... Brittany said her hands were cold, so yea, being the "gentleman" I am, I just held her hand to warm her up! That's all! Who do you think we are? We are just friends Simon! Just very good friends!" Alvin  raised his voice a decibel higher. Simon immediately recoiled in shock. Despite Alvin's tantrums, he had never seen him like this before. Brittany just shot Simon a dirty look and stalked away with Alvin. 

Simon's POV:

I decided that I should have nothing to do with this. Alvin was just a boy with a harsh exterior, but I have seen his soft side a few times, especially when it came to Brittany. However, their personality clashes made it difficult to gauge whether they were arch rivals, friends or... possibly something deeper? In fact, as for myself, it was a whole different story! I was in love with ahem, Jeanette. She has a mild personality, and despite her eccentricity, a part of my heart when out for her. I did not know if she would be my soulmate, but no matter what happens, I will risk everything for her....

Brittany's POV:

"Alvin? Are you okay?" I put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Brittany. We should have... I am so sorry. We messed up big time today. I feel bad for Simon and I shouldn't have yelled at him. But I just... Can't. My "ego personality" cover just... forbids it..." Alvin sighed. 

"Alvin. How about this. I suggest that we pretend to argue, then, I force you to apologise to your brother." Brittany smirked. 

"Let's do it!" Alvin pecked her cheek before launching into a "bitter quarrel' with Brittany when the others came into view....

Simon's POV:

When we were about to cross the moonlit road, we heard Alvin and Brittany quarrelling, again! Straining my ears, I realised they were actually quarrelling over someone: me. I shrugged my shoulders, crossed the road, with the help of Theodore and The Chipettes, managed to separate the quarrelsome duo. To my surprise, Alvin blurted out that Brittany's nagging was horrible and he actually apologised. Apologise? Alvin? These two words were an unlikely pair. I just gestured to him it was alright... and while walking, caught Alvin whispering to Brittany, who simply nodded at him and winked.

Alvin's POV:

So... We decided to make up for lost time and hang out tonight. She was excited and said she 'couldn't wait'. Strolling off to Dave's House and The Chipette's Tree House, we parted ways, said goodnight to Dave, turned on my phone alarm laid down and fell asleep.

General POV:

As Alvin slept and dreamt, he had actually forgotten one thing, leaving his phone on the nightstand rather than under his pillow, a decision that he would regret later....

Author's Note: Busted is coming soon! Sorry about the chapter, I needed to link the three chapters, don't worry, I promise that Alvin and Brittany gets busted! LOl! See u soon! Tell me how I can Improve

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