Spy: Part 1

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OMG! OMG! I am so sorry! I totally forgot about my story cuz I was so wrapped in my HW!(Homework) Anyway, Read on!Again, Sorry 4 not updating. And this chapter will be called spy instead of busted, cuz ya, oops no spoilers. Anyway read On!

Alvin's POV:

I was tossing and turning in bed, like I had this ominous feeling that things were gonna get bad. Hopefully, nothing goes wrong today, I already have lots of things on my back already.... almost busting us, emotional ups and down, there was simply no end to the cruel feats of the cruel world.... The tick tock of the clock grew hypnotic, lulling me to a deep sleep.

The next I knew, my alarm jolted me out of my sleep. I groped for my mobile phone, only to find it was not under my pillow. My blood's temperature almost dropped to subzero. I turned my head slowly to the source of the noise, just to find the phone perched on the nightstand. I ninja crawled towards the phone, shutting off the alarm. Thankfully, none of my brothers had even woken up. I heaved a sigh of relief, than my brother, Simon, let out a moan of tiredness and buried himself under the blankets. I crept towards my clothes, dove into them, and dove out of the window, unnoticed. Or so I thought.....

Simon's POV:

In reality, I was never asleep. I was jolted awake by Alvin's phone alarm blaring. Alvin had crept out of bed. I realised this when I peered at one of my secret inventions, mirrors reflecting images of Alvin and Theodore's beds. I have yet to tell them about a few secret gizmos I had installed in the room.... 

Curiosity pricked me. Pretending to be asleep, I pretended to let out a moan of tiredness and buried myself under the covers, an eye peering out of a gap in the blanket. Alvin was out of my line of sight temporarily, before I spotted him headed towards the window, dressed in new clothes.

I needed to know what on earth was going on. I grabbed Theodore and shook him awake and whispered: "Theodore, there is something I need to tell you...."

Alvin Seville's Little SecretWhere stories live. Discover now