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Hey, guys! Long time, no see! I'm terribly sorry that my updating schedule has been completely random the past few months. As many of you know, I'm a full-time nursing student and a part-time nanny. Since November, I've also become the sole caretaker of my ill grandfather, whose health continues to worsen.

In all my years of writing, I've never taken this long to finish a book and I would like for you guys to help me complete this fan fiction. I've brought Brock and Kate halfway through their story at this point but would like for the fans to tell me what they would like to see in the coming chapters. Maybe some scenes? Some ideas? Anything would be helpful.

By the end of this week, I'll be on Spring Break. I would like to get a lot done in my time off, one of those being writing chapters to this book. However, I can't do that without your help. So, get those fingers to typing, tell me what you want to see in the comments below. Who knows? Maybe your idea will be featured in the chapters to come. ❤

Beastly Devastation (Brock Lesnar)Where stories live. Discover now