Febuary 28

13 1 0

Things have gotten just more and more complicated. Things between my friends, my family, everyone. My friends are hiding something I swear. Like my best friend and I have just been drifting apart, it just isn't fair. My family has just been fighting as always. It's almost like everyone is turning against us. My sister is going to live with her dad. I guess I'm happy, one less thing I have to worry about. Her dad can be trusted. My mom well, she's, broken. It's always her flipping out are acting emotionless. It's sorta weird. It's all just so weird and complicated. I'm stuck in the middle of it all so once again one wrong my be and I'm dead. Although I'm a fuck up so we'll see how that goes. I don't know anymore. I've just been so stressed. I can't calm down or anything, I'm always twitching now, I'm not sure if I should be worried or not but it's whatever. Still haven't stopped cutting, in some ways I want to but it's honestly hard to. If  anyone finds out it's off to the mental hospital. Luckily I've gotten good with hiding them, make up is surprisingly a miracle. I have to go, fucking school.

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