October 10

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Well I know it's been a little more than a week but I thought I'd continue this stupid book. So today I fucked up again. No surprise there. I brought my phone to school again not thinking. I don't have it registered so I'm not allowed to use it but I don't give a fuck. Like I said it's like I always fuck up. I don't really care that much about not having my phone but then I can't talk to "him". He is just always there for me and helps me through everything. But beside "him" it seems like no one cares. They just continue on like everything is ok. Well I'm going to tell u the truth, I'm never ok. In my opinion there is no such thing as "okay" for me. I have to fake it and I'm sick and tired of it. But ether way they wouldn't understand or even care. I feel like a piece of shit every single day. It's just like no one gives a fuck about me. Me just staying in this place is like torture. I wish I could just end it. The only thing that's keeping me from doing that is "him" and my best friend Harley. He is the moonlight of my life and Harley is the only one who gets me. Well till I write again.

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